It's been awhile since I've posted but as you know I'm considering moving out of the country. I've been researching Australia, Canada, and Norway but I decided to widen it to Ireland. Anyone here from Ireland and can you suggest a general location to start my search?
by gsx1138 7 Replies latest jw friends
Where are you moving from?
Question to help your decision
The weather I like most is
a) Rain
b) Snow
c) Wind
d) Sun
I'd be moving from Washington State. So, lots of rain, clouds, some sun and plenty of water here. I'm particularly interested in staying close to the Ocean for spiritual reasons but it is not vital.
Are you self-supporting or do you intend to work?
I have a friend at work who is from Ireland. Dublin to be exact. He loves and misses it much and talks about it all the time. Dublin is a city but outside of the city is beauty that rivals some of the most beautiful places in the world. Given the chance I would move there in a heartbeat. Not that this helps you any but I love Ireland!
Right now there are two possibilities. One: I move to Ireland and work as a Radiologist and my wife works as a Respiratory Therapist. Two: We work here, and buy a home over there, then retire there when we're ready. It really depends on various circumstances but I like to plan ahead and thoroughly.
I have travelled in Ireland extensively. Co.Cork and the Wexford areas would be my choice. Avoid Limerick, or 'Slash City' ( slash as in knife ) as it is known by. It is a little rough around the edges. Be prepared for gray skies much of the year and rain for the rest, especially if you move to the Northern reaches. The people are exceptionally big-hearted but will take a long, long while to accept a 'blow in'. Brilliant music scene, lots of talent.
Mail me privately if you wish to know anything specific. Another poster FunkyDerek posts to this Board and I believe that he is from, or living in Dublin.
Good luck - HS
Come to Australia for a holiday and see if you like it