The Police have started an Investigation where a woman has courageously come forward about her Sexual Abuse by a former Elder, who had a record of doing such things with the Local Congregation, and I think it was all covered up. They have Charged him, he is claiming he is not mentally fit to appear in Court, I hope that Lie does not hold up !
This Case was unknown to the local Elders, but hopefully will now give the strength for other women, who were all very young and very vulnerable at the time , to come forward as well. One girl he got pregnant !
The Police Raided the Kingdom Hall, here in Kent U.K, at a time they knew at least some J.W's were there, and opened the K.H Safe, after entering by all three access doors, they would have had to force the two to the rear, as they lock as soon as closed, and can only be opened from the inside, but they burst in at the same time from all three entrances.
They would not have found in the Safe any Records about this guy of course, but can maybe get hold of any the Congregation has held on him, that have not been destroyed as the G.B instructed them to do.
This guy used to pick on girls with a bad home life, or were mentally unstable, or vulnerable in any way, take them in to his home to "straighten them out", whereas it is known, in reality, he used to Groom them, as a Paedophile does, I do not think he picked on anyone under the Age of Consent, 16, but maybe he did.
I shall watch as this unfolds, and Report back as things develop !