Paragraph 10:
"When on earth, Jesus spoke under the influence of the God's spirit. So we should pay attention to what God now says through him by holy spirit."
An error - This statement by the WTBTS suggests that my Lord's speaking was limited to his time on the earth and that NOW the only way the Son speaks... is through the letters to the seven congregations in the Revelation. However, my Lord is ALIVE... and speaks to us NOW... by means of that same spirit. Then, it was on the earth. NOW... it is from the heavens. Hebrew 12:25
And although some heard his voice audibly... with their physical ears (Acts 9:4-7)... and some by means of spirits sent to them (Acts 8:26; 10:3, 4)... still others heard it only within themselves. (Acts 8:10; 10:10, 13, 19; 15:19, 28) And how did such ones know? They "knew" the voice of my Lord (John 10:27).
The WTBTS would have you believe, however, that the Father and Son are powerless, having less power than earthling man, than demons... than even beasts of burden! Yet, earthling man can speak to earthling man... demons can speak to earthling man... indeed, a beast of burden spoke! Can not the one who created speech... who gave us our tongue... who can loosen the tongue of beasts SPEAK TO US? Or have they made Him as the false gods who have eyes, but cannot see... mouths... but cannot speak?!
The Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the One whose name is JAH... of Armies... can indeed speak! And at one time, He spoke to us by means of Prophets, the sayings of which have been written down and preserved down to this day. Today, however... TODAY... He speaks to us... BY MEANS OF A SON... the One whose voice the sheep HEAR! The "hired man" to whom the sheep do not belong, however, would have to you think different, that God is silent... and thus, impotent. God... is a SPIRIT... and it is by means of SPIRIT... that one can HEAR Him... and speak TO Him. However, neither... speaking or hearing... can be done... unless it is done... THROUGH THE SPIRIT... and THROUGH THE TRUTH ( Hebrews 1:2; John 10:1-15, 27; John 4:24; 2 Corinthians 3:17; John 14:6)
"To him that conquers, I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God." For anointed ones... this means immortality in the heavenly "paradise of God," or Jehovah's very presence. The "great crowd"... will enjoy an earthly paradise where they will drink from "a river of water of life" and will find healing from "the leaves of the trees" alongside it.
A lie - By this very statement, the WTBTS has now created TWO "paradises"... one in heaven and one on earth! Yet, there is only THE "paradise of God", which is a SPIRITUAL (heavenly) place... on earth! It is "New Jerusalem," which "comes down OUT of heaven"... so that the "meek" WILL "inherit the earth," so that the earth IS "inhabited"... and in the EARTH... "righteousness is the dwell." (Revelation 21:2,3; 20:9)
And both groups... the 144,000 AND the "great crowd"... "eat"... from the Tree of Life, which IS my Lord, the Son of God ... by means of EATING HIS FLESH... and "drink" from the "river" that flows from within HIM... by means of drinking his blood. For there is only ONE Tree... the One which IS the Life. The WTBTS, however, has created a LIE by means of teaching that there are "trees" from which we must eat... "trees" the leaves of which "cure" the nations... when in FACT... there is only ONE Tree. The Greek word that they have mistransliterated at Revelation 22:1 to read "trees"... is actually "tree"... and in "there is A tree"... one... not man y.
John 15:1-7; John 4:10, 14; John 7:37, 38; John 6:48-56; 1 Corinthians 10:1-4; Exodus 12:47-49; Numbers 11:4-6; Revelation 22:1, 2, 15
Thus, just as Israel AND the "vast mixed number" who went with them from Egypt... ATE THE MANNA... and DRANK from the Rock-Mass that is Christ... Israel (the 144,000)... AND the "great crowd"... must eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ... the TRUE VINE... the "Root" of Jesse... "SPROUT!"... to be "cured" of the sin and death IN them... so as live forever.
For there is NO other means by which such life (everlasting) can be had. It is the flesh of Christ... "leaves" of this Tree... the Tree of LIFE (John 14:6; 15:1)... and his blood... "water"... HOLY SPIRIT... from his "river" (John 7:37, 38) ... from which we... Israel AND the nations (great crowd)... must eat and drink. For it is "true" food and "true" drink.
Genesis 3:22; John 15:1, 4; John 6:56, 51-53
Let the one that is wishing... and the one that is thirsting... and the one who is hearing hear what the Spirit and the Bride KEEP saying:
"Come! Take "life's water"... free!"
I, myself, SJ, have spoken it to you... just as I heard and received it from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son and Christ of the Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name is JAH... of Armies.
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with them... and a slave of Christ,