The Master spoke saying,
"No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son. And to whomever the Son is willing, he reveals him."
"He that has my words and observes them, that one is he who loves me. He that loves me will be loved by my Father and I will love him and I will PLAINLY SHOW MYSELF to him."
So the Christ loves us and reveals himself to us, in turn the Christ who reveals himself will reveal his Father to whomever he wishes.
Can't we learn everything we need to know about God and Christ from the scriptures?
He said:
(why would we 'search the scriptures?')
"..BECAUSE you THINK that BY MEANS OF THEM you will get everlasting life....."
(how many would argue "knowledge" of the scriptures means our 'life?')
(and just what did he say the scriptures do?)
"..And THESE are they that TESTIFY OF ME..."
(So the scriptures are only a 'witness' or 'testimony' of him)
"And yet, YOU WILL NOT COME TO ME that you may have life."
(So you STILL have to 'come' to him to "have life")
Once you recieve that 'life' from him, it is THEN that you know him.
He said:
"This is the 'life' IN ORDER FOR THEM TO KNOW YOU the only God, and the one whom you sent, Jah-Eshua the Anointed." (John 17:3 Kingdom Interlinear)
This 'life' is still available to all of you to "partake" of so that you can FINALLY 'know' him.
Peace to all of you,