Most of us are responsible parents 363 days a year...

by The Rebel 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    but what happened yesterday surprised me. In the space of two hours, I had 3 groups of kids knocking on the door asking for sweets. I assume the parents vaguely new me, but I assure you all the kids were strangers to me. ( or at least I didn't recognize them, in Eater costumes and painted faces) Anyway this was the first occasion this has happened to me at Easter, but it always bugs me that responsible parents tell the kids not to talk to strangers, and then on Halloween, and now Easter send the kids out knocking on strangers doors.

    The Rebel.

    p.s I was very impressed when my boy opened the door on the 3rd occasionan, as he gave away one of his " cheap" Easter eggs, on the other occasions I gave tinned buscuits, which in retrospect I regret, as it was encouraging the behavior.

    The Rebel.

  • smiddy

    I would hope the Adults would be in the street keeping an eye on the children as they went D2D , if that wasn`t the case then sure , it would be very irresponsible of the parents to allow this unsupervised .


  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Smiddy, I can't believe this event was not organized without parental supervision, possible the parents were out of site? Anyway nonetheless I hope kids knocking on doors at Easter for chocolate, doesn't become a tradition, it's stupid enough on Halloween.

    The Rebel.

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