'You cant blame God for the mistakes his Org. makes!'

by Hamas 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hamas

    I had a discussion with an 'associate' I used to know back in my meeting days last night. He really did show what it means to be a brainwashed victim of the Watchtower.

    I told him about false prophecies, and how the WT claims to be a true prophet of God. I asked, 'how can they be a prophet when the bible states anybody speaking for God that gets things wrong is NOT his prophet!'

    After finally admitting that the bible DOES in fact say that, he resorted to:

    ' Yes but you can't blame God for the mistakes HIS organization makes! '

    I was stunned. I had so many things to say back to him when he decided to cut short the discussion. What do you think I should say for next time? I still can't believe he said that !

  • Goshawk

    One question might be:

    Then why does "his" organization blame its members for mistakes that
    "his" organization made?

    Might be a bit over the top.


  • hippikon

    HIS organization

    Problem Solved

  • greven

    You are not blaming God! You are blaming them for assuming the role and authority of prophet, while history shows otherwise.

    In fact you are saying they don't follow the bible. Is this strange? No. The entire nation israel left God over and over (according to the bible). Surely if an entire nation can fall to apostacy so can a human organization. claiming to be His organisation proves nothing. It just adds to the acusations against them. The sit on the chair of moses so to speak, just like the pharisees.


  • rocketman
    In fact you are saying they don't follow the bible. Is this strange? No. The entire nation israel left God over and over (according to the bible). Surely if an entire nation can fall to apostacy so can a human organization. claiming to be His organisation proves nothing. It just adds to the acusations against them. The sit on the chair of moses so to speak, just like the pharisees

    Well stated, could not have said it better.

  • Satanus

    Maybe persue the line of thought of his defence. Ask if god was to blame for all of the crap that russel wrote, the crap that rutherford wrote, and for their debauched or twisted lives. Ask if god was to blame for f franz's idiocies. It would be good to have plenty of examples on hand.

    When he finally admits that none of those things were the fault of god, then there are several options: ask him what things there are in the jws that god is responsible for. Be prepared to argue that whatever he brings up isn't from god, they are just result of human efforts or brainwashing (group brainwashing brings a feeling of closeness and love among the group being washed). Or, suggest that maybe there is nothing in the wt org for which god is responible. That will likely cause a vigorous denial, possibly ending the conversation.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Hamas,

    In 1954 there was a court case in Scotland that is commonly called the Walsh Trial.

    During this trial, some of the WTS leadership testified under oath in court that, among other things, Jehovah God was the editor of The Watchtower, and that JWs were required to believe the Watchtower, even if it was wrong.

    It's an interesting bit of JW history, and you can use the Search function to find discussions of the Douglas Walsh trial in this forum.

  • topanga

    they'll use weak responses like were not infallible to retain their credibility to make it seem like you are being unreasonable and judgmental.

  • simwitness

    you're exactly right... I can't blame God for the mistakes of "his" org... But I damn sure can hold them (the org) accountable for said mistakes!

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