U.K to remove time limit for Abuse Cases.

by Phizzy 2 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Phizzy

    At present the U.K has a preposterous Rule that Cases of CSA can only be brought within three years of the Victim turning 18.

    This time limit meant that many Cases did not go to Court, as the poor Victims did not feel able to talk about their ordeals at that age. The time limit of 3 years will be removed, at last, as was recommended by The Independent Inquiry in to CSA back in 2022.

    Kim Harrison, president of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, said the three-year deadline was "wholly inappropriate".

    "It will now be the burden of defendants to prove that the passage of time has created an unfair trial, rather than on the victim or survivor to prove a fair trial is possible," she said.

    J.W. Paedophiles will now be brought to Justice. Those filthy bastards will quake in their boots when they find out !

    Last month, the government confirmed it would introduce a Mandatory Reporting Duty for those working with children to report sexual abuse as part of the Crime and Policing Bill.

    Criminal sanctions will be introduced for both the concealment of, and failure to report, child sexual abuse.

  • Diogenesister

    Thank you Phizzy. I knew about mandatory reporting but not the time limit. That's utterly absurd! Were these part of the iicsa recommendAtions or the J enquiry, anyone know? It's all come back in to national focus due to the rape gangs crises. If there's a further national enquiry I wonder if the coercive control element of abuse/grooming - & also exerted by organisations such as Watchtower - also be a part of a national enquiry, or will the focus purely be on criminal gangs?

  • vienne

    Unlimited time is a great idea. Even if it makes Watchtower lawyers sweat.

    My only concern is conflating the actions of clergy with those of congregants. The media does not say a Baptist father abused his daughter and has been sentenced. The media should focus on Elders and other appointed individuals.

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