I believe the ousting of Satan from heaven is still a future event.
I suppose this is correct in the loose sense that 'it hasn't happened yet', but only because it is a fiction that will never happen.
Notably, there are no correct dates in the timeline. Even if it could be established that Jesus is accurately portrayed in the stories written about him decades later, he would have been born in 4BC, baptised 26AD, and died 30AD. Abraham is a fictitious allegorical character, but if he existed at all, then based on the Bible, it wasn't in 1943 BC. (The actual placement of Abraham depends on which interpretation is taken for the spurious '400 years of enslavement in Egypt' starting from either Ishmael teasing Isaac or after Jacob went to Egypt, though both versions result in inconsistencies, and neither arrives at 1943BC.) The concept of Satan being 'cast out of heaven to the vicinity of the earth' contradicts the Watch Tower Society's position that the 'spirit realm' is independent of any physical location in the universe. And that's all before we get to their beliefs about 1914 being nonsense.