The organized to do Jehovah's will book pg 77, tells us Haviing come to Jesus, therefore, in response to his invitation to follow him, we have been blessed with knowledge of Jah God & of JC. We have been taught Jah's ways. With his help we have been able to make our mind over, change our personality, & harmonize our daily conduct with Jah's righteous standards. Our heartfelt appreciation has moved us to dedicate ourselves to Jah & to symbolize that by baptism in water. BAPTISM CONSTITUTES OUR ORDINATION AS MINISTERS.
WOW! Can they really have written this. Do the parent's who allow their tender aged kid's to get dunked read this do you think. Some of these kid's they are baptising cant even walk to school on their own yet. There should be some sort of law against these fanatics. This constitutes as child abuse in my book, especially when on pg 158, it states.
Serious wrongdoing on the part of MINOR CHILDREN who are baptised should be reported to the elders. When the elders handle cases of serious sins involving a MINOR, it is preferable that the baptized parents of the young person be present & cooperate with the judicial committee, NOT attempting to shield the erring child from necessary disciplinary action. Just as in dealing with adult offenders, the judicial committee endeavors to reprove & restore the wrongdoer. HOWEVER, if the young person is unrepentant, disfellowshipping action is taken.
These child abusing bastards should 100% lose their tax exemption rights. How the hell can they possibly use shunning on, as they say in their own words "MINOR CHILDREN". Seriously what is wrong with them are without any kind of intelligence at all. Jesus so full of love & kindness "Let the children come to me" is gonna pat them on the back for this is he? It will be interesting to see if they change this in the new organized book, although having seen how little their regard for children is I doubt it.