Two weeks today and I'll be in...

by morrisamb 6 Replies latest social entertainment

  • morrisamb


    We booked our entertainment Monday through Thursday evening.

    Monday: Tony Bennett

    Tuesday: Gladys Knight

    Wednes: Smothers Brothers

    Thursday: Don Rickles

    I just love these kind of performers...Cirquilie (or whatever you call it), and the two guys with the tigers, Celine Dion --the shows everyone goes for, just don't turn my crank!

    I'll also be shooting my short film there so once again, if any one is interested in being an extra, let me know!

  • Funchback

    Yo, morris!

    Traveler's Tip: Call your credit card companies in advance and let them know you're traveling (especially to Vegas). It may avoid interruption of service on your card.

    Funch of the Fraud-Analyst Class

  • Gopher

    I envy you, Morrisamb!! Those performers are classics! Have a great time.

    Enjoy Cirque De Soleil (I had to look up the spelling) -- that's such cutting-edge entertainment! Look at their website: for their history and more info.

    Celine Dion? Well, enjoy your trip anyhow.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Howdy morrisamb! Have a great time in Sin City. You're right, I've heard the shows there are outstanding.


  • Jesika

    I went to Vegas for my first time ever last Oct.

    We stayed at the Luxor, and caught the Blue Man Group show, if you haven't seen it, IT IS A MUST SEE!!!!!!!

    Have fun!!!!! Wish I was going too.

  • shamus

    Have a great time!!!

    Vegas is a gas! You will have loads of fun... even if you don't gamble!!!!!

  • morrisamb

    Thank you one and all for your well wishes...

    PS. Thanks for the tip Funchback and Jesika, more than one person told me "Don't miss Blue Man Group Show"

    I will try and catch it!

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