Put together the bible canon, came up with the name Jehovah. Spread the basic Christian message across the globe. Got rid of all the false gods of the Roman empire and gods of other nations As well. When you consider they did this without God to help them along through divine direction all these centuries. I think they did a pretty good job. So tell me again why God hates Christendom so much?
so let me get this straight, apostate christianity....
by nowwhat? 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes - it's a great inconsistency.
I remember when we did the 'All Scriptures' book at the mid-week meetings and it talked about how the Church had assembled the NT. I was shocked.
I'd been taught that the death of the Apostle John marked the time when wolves entered the congregation and it became apostate Christendom. So how could God use apostate Christendom to assemble the Bible? But apparently he did.
Of course that opened up a heap of problems for me. If God used them then, couldn't he have used them at other times over the past 2,000 years. What about now? Surely there would be nothing more important than assembling the Bible. So if he could use them for that, then he could use them to do other things.
It's a hole in the WT's 'we're the only true christians since the 1st century' doctrine.
It's a hole in the WT's 'we're the only true christians since the 1st century' doctrine.
Hahaha, It's one of many, many, many holes in the doctrine of JWdom
Pull any string of JW doctrine and it unravels to emptiness
wizzstick - "I remember when we did the 'All Scriptures' book at the mid-week meetings and it talked about how the Church had assembled the NT. I was shocked."
Damn, I'd forgotten about that.
You notice the Org doesn't really publish scholarly-ish pieces like that too much anymore?
Gosh, I wonder why... :smirk:
wizzstick - "It's a hole in the WT's 'we're the only true christians since the 1st century' doctrine."
Slightly off-topic, but I think my biggest WTF moment was when they published an article with a pic of 1st Century Christians going door-to-door with bags of scrolls...
The GB always gave props to Christendom as part of the "net" (Matthew 13:47), since all these things are obvious. "Tell us about all that growth in Muslim countries again?"
However a few years ago GB 2.0 put the kibosh on that.
The bad fish used to be Catholics and Protestants, now it's old Bible students, inactives, and apostates.
One more thing, if Satan is the leader of Christendom, then Satan put the Bible books together.
Jesus got the future scenario perfectly when he said: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds[b] of flour until it worked all through the dough.” (Mathew 13:33)
Notice, in this parable nothing is said about restoration of truth--it moves from apostasy to apostasy and to apostasy
“The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.” (Mathew 13:33)
Okay, that's just about the weirdest metaphor ever.