I think I understand where this article is coming from. A christian church should reach out to those who no longer agree or believe. Reaching out to people is the Christian way based on what Jesus taught. Shunning people is not.
I left over 50 years ago, thankfully with my wife who was my former pioneer partner. And I remain her 'current' husband........ her words not mind.
Neither of us believed in the made up god Jehovah nor in Christianity over all and hardly ever believed in the WTBTS's 'truth'. We were simply raised in it ....... found each other then left after a few years............ after coming to a conclusion that none of it was real. We were not shunned so 'normalizing' was easier. Many of our friends reached out to us.......but we realized that we would have to let them go as they with us. Today there is a hardness at work among JW's
Having said that I do understand the dynamic that is at work within the congregations and through the WT publications. On the one hand friendships abound but unfortunately they are conditional. And the capacity to shun is telling when it comes to the value of being a JW.
The WTBTS is always right. Obedience is on par with faith. That marching in step is the only way one can remain a JW in good standing. And by the way...... don't question.
Critical thinking is discouraged as is higher education. The reality is this: They are educationally one part Amish (who don't encourage more then an eight grade education) and will shun their children if they leave the Amish life.
One part Christian Scientists who ban or discourage certain medical treatments.
One part Scientologists who 'disconnect' followers who stop believing their version of things.
One part extreme Orthodox Jews who also shun for life
A great deal of hurt and anguish is generated in these religions and there is nothing that resembles the thoughts and words of Jesus.