Governing Body Of Jehovah's Witnesses Releases New Christmas Song About Jesus' Birth . . . Really???

by Golden4Altar 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Golden4Altar

    Governing Body Of Jehovah's Witnesses Releases New Christmas Song About Jesus' Birth . . . Really???

    Jehovah's Witnesses have long condemned any celebration of the Christmas Holiday supposedly commemorating Jesus' birth, as being a pagan celebration of Christendom. They have even disfellowshipped many from the organization for celebrating it, in any form or fashion. Every Jehovah's Witness world wide knows this.

    The new song from the Watchtower Society just released, sounds a lot like a Christmas song to the amazement of many including myself. But, I will let you make up your own mind on this startling recent development.

    Click this link to view this topic: Governing Body Of Jehovah's Witnesses Releases New Christmas Song About Jesus' Birth . . . Really???


  • nowwhat?

    Hey dumbass I already posted that. Take 3 seconds to scroll before posting something! I hate repetitive posts!

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  • Golden4Altar

    Here is the link to listen to the 'new' song plus the lyrics are under it:



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  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    John on his EXJW-ANALYZER channel just had a video on this also.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Double posts..

    Maybe more the merrier. You know more exposure. More eyes can see it. Its all good.

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  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Come to think of it!!

    Come to think if it?????

    When you really think of this its hard to realize something???

    That the governing body and the organization would,,, actually releases something that gives praise to.......Jesus????

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  • WingCommander

    WT HQ is in such a panic not only over all of the CSA cases against them, but also from the mass exodus (especially of the yang wanzzzzz) since COVID, that they are absolutely DESPERATE to stop the hemorrhaging.

    Like a hemophiliac who needs a blood transfusion, WT HQ needs an infusion of money and yang wannnzzz to take over responsibilities for all the old geezers of the past "Generation" who are dropping dead like flies.

    Guess what? Kingdumb Hellz are now basically empty. If you pop in any random KH today, you see a 3/4's empty building with only Grey Hairz in the chairs. The Yang Wanzzzz had enough, and have already voted with their feet, and with their wallets.

    One only has to look at the Christadelphians today (IF you can find one) to see exactly where the JW's are heading.

    All this modern, new-age emotionally driven drivel and social media crap they are pulling out of their asses today? Loosening of the reins? "Allowing" grown ass adults to have a beard or wear pants?

    Waaaay to little, and VERY too late. They are re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic at this point.

    "Too bad, tooooo baaaaad!"
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  • Vidiot
    nowwhat? - “…I hate repetitive posts!”

    Me, too!

    I hate repetitive posts!


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