Imagine the scene, a comfortable conference room in Brooklyn HQ, with a round table with a handful of current GB members on one side. A lone chair opposite is for the prospective new GB members to sit and be questioned as to their fitness
Lett asks, "Have maintenance fitted your room with New Light bulbs?"
and the next question "Hav e you kept the Old Light bulbs in case of any flip flop?"
Bro Explain asks "Do you understand the Overlapping Generations teaching, because we don't "
Herd asks " How good a speaker are you, asking for money while looking the camera right in the eye?"
Another asks "Have you any idea what we can do next, because as sure as Hell we don't "
Next question "At Warwick would you like a lake view or mountain view apartment, and how many rooms would you like, and do you prefer Walnut or Mahogany finish for the furniture?"
Lett again "Do you know how to turn Left on an airplane, and as to cars and drivers, how many do you think would be sufficient"
Splane again "Have you been a partaken or professed to be one for at least 28 days?"
Herd again "Do you have any rich friends with villas we could holiday in?"
Please add any things the.y could be asked in order to get promoted to this fabulously well rewarded position, responsible to no one, and with an adoring public drooling for your every word.