What is the Assembly Hall of vídeo Jehovahs Witnesses Organized to Share the Good News where a man is baptized?
Assembly Hall in Jehovahs Witnesses Video
by felipe 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sorry felipe, I didn't understand the question.
Disculpe me felipe, pero no entendí la pregunta.
Désolé Felipe, je n'ai pas compris la question.
عذرا فيليبي، لم أكن أفهم السؤال.
К сожалению Felipe, я не понял вопроса.
(I know this forum is English only, forgive me.)
I'm Brazilian, my English is terrible. Sorry!
In the vídeo published by WatchTower called "Jehovahs Witnesses - Organized to Share the Good News" avaiable in jw.org in this link https://www.jw.org/en/publications/videos/#mediaitems/AccomplishMinistry/pub-ivjwo_E_x_VIDEO
In this vídeo, from 11 minutes, has a scene of a baptism in a Assembly Hall
My question is: What is this Assembly Hall in this vídeo?
In that scene I see people who at that time were Patterson Bethelites. It looks like: Newburgh Assembly Hall
My Name is of No Consequence
@ wifibandit:
I don't know if you were trying to be funny in your first post, but that was good!
I understood the question just fine.
But I do not have a good answer.