JW teach that at the "last supper", a covenant for a kingdom was instituted ( as I understand it ) and so it was only for the "anointed" who would become these kings. If we look at Matt 26:27,28 ...taking the cup..."Drink out of it, all of you, for this means my 'blood of the covenant', which is to be poured out in behalf of the many for forgiveness of sins. ( I brought this up in another posting.) In Luke Chapter 22:15...eat this Passover with you....19 passes bread telling it represents his body...20 ..."This cup means the NEW COVENANT by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in your behalf." // Then 21 He tells them the betrayer is there ( another question I had, and as far I can tell, it appears Judas was a partaker if the order of things is correct ) 22-27 they discuss who could be the betrayer and get into a dispute as to who was the greatest among them. 28 he tells them they have stuck with him and 29 and I make a covenant with you....for a kingdom...30 ....sit on thrones to judge the 12 tribes of Israel. // I have looked up some cross reference scriptures and it seems me the New Covenant is about Jesus's shedding his blood in order for mankind to have forgiveness of sin. // so it seems to me the NEW COVENANT and the covenant aren't the same. Thoughts?
new covenant and covenant for a kingdom...the same?
by enoughisenough 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The promise of rulership for the 12 was already given in Mathew 19:28. it was repeated after the last supper celebration, was again not part of it.
The slight of hand that wt speakers perform at the memorial talk, to slip in the kingdom covenant instead of the new covenant, is set in all the deceitful outlines.
In Israel of old, the Law covenant was for all, even the foreign resident. additional exclusive covenants were made for kings and priests.
Jesus passed the emblems to disciples with a distinct earthly hope. not anointed at the time.
If partaking of the new Covenant's symbols is indeed a prerequisite for salvation, as per John 6, wt is the deadliest organisation that could have been set up. Guaranteeing to kill 100 % of its members, because even the partakers die to go to heaven.
waton , thank you.... love this.....The promise of rulership for the 12 was already given in Mathew 19:28. it was repeated after the last supper celebration, was again not part of it.//// you are so right about the deceit....Maybe some who are pimo can put this together to help wake up their family and friends.
The New Covenant is for forgiveness of sins, nobody needs the New Covenant more than who wt calls "the other sheep" who since 1918, and still have the wt promise: " --- Millions now living will never die " I f you do not die for your sins, you better be in the ransom-based New Covenant. Therefore
Partake, privately.
+0 / -1
If you dis approve, I would like to see a point by point refutation for the truth's & live's sake. given that the talking snake story holds water.
On this very occasion Jesus took his eleven faithful apostles into a covenant for the Kingdom, even as we read: “You are the ones that have stuck with me in my trials; and I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom, that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel.” Other scriptures show that sharing this glory with Jesus and his eleven faithful apostles will be 143,989 others, for a total of 144,001. These all have part in the first resurrection and reign as kings and priests for a thousand years. It is only such as these that are entitled to partake of the Lord’s evening meal.—Luke 22:28-30; Rev. 14:1, 3; 20:4-6. ///quote from W 61 3/15 pages 165-168 ( the deceit of the WT! more lies :WS 14 10/15 14 The new covenant creates the nation of spiritual Israel and is the legal basis for anointed ones to become “joint heirs with Christ.” But how can anointed ones rule with Jesus as kings and priests in heaven? Another legal agreement allows for that...///when Matt 26:28 plainly tells us the new covenant is about forgiveness of sins.