Ghost image of the Apostle Paul appears on Google maps

by jwleaks 6 Replies latest social humour

  • jwleaks

    I found this ghost image on Google maps of the Apostle Paul walking on one of his missionary journeys through the region now known as Turkey.

    Evidently the Google map car was able to capture the spiritual afterglow of the Apostle Paul while he was walking along a roadway on his one of his missionary journeys. Interestingly the Google mapping computer was able to create an overlapping image from the first century and from the twenty-first century.

  • truth_b_known

    Overlapping image. Hilarious!

  • Jeffro

    Google Street View images are composed by stitching together separate images. This can result in images showing parts of a person as well as the 'severe tyre damage' depicted above.

    Nothing to see here. Well, certainly not 'the Apostle Paul' anyway.

  • scratchme1010
  • Finkelstein

    And it looks the Apostle Paul has really big hands.

    That's it, I'm going back to the Kingdom Hall ......... shite

  • redpilltwice

    In this outfit, it seems Paul is more than ready to convert the lost sheep of Ishmael.

  • berrygerry

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