The convicts of this crime escaped from a high security prison in Argentina because the guard, a JW, had no guns.
Here are the news sites that mention this:
I am copying part of the article and translating to English:
Triple Crimen: la insólita justificación del guardiacárcel sin arma
Triple Crime: The unbelievable justification of the prison guard without a weapon
Los hermanos Lanatta y Schilacci se fugaron del penal de Alvear sin mayores resistencias
The Lanatta brothers and Schilacci escaped from the Alvear prison without major resistance
Buenos Aires.- Pasan las horas y cada vez aparecen argumentos increíbles para las serias medidas de seguridad que supone un penal de máxima detención. Ahora se filtró la insólita justificación delguardiacárcel reducido por los condenados por elTriple Crimen, los hermanos Lanatta y Víctor Schilacci, para fugarse de la cárcel: no tenía armas porque es Testigo de Jeová y la religión le impide la portación de las mismas. ¿Creer o reventar?
Buenos Aires - The hours go by and with each passing hour even more incredible arguments appear that show the serious [gaps] in security that a maximum security prison has. Now the unbelievable justification of the prison guard is known, overpowered by the convicts of the Triple Crime (see, the Lanatta brothers and Victor Schilacci, to let them escape from the prison: he had no weapons because he is a Jehovah's Witness and the religion prohibits him from carrying any. ¿To believe or to explode?
El periodista Luis Beldi publicó el curioso dato arrojado de la investigación sobre qué sucedió en el puesto uno del portón de la Unidad 30 de alta seguridad, donde debía haber tres guardias. "Esto es una cama, acá no tendría que haber nadie, eso es lo que arreglamos", dijo uno de los condenados, según relató el guardia del portón.
Luis Beldi, a journalist, published the curious piece of data about the investigation of what happened in the post 1 of the gate of the high security unit 30, where three guards are supposed to be. "This is a trap, there shouldn't be anyone here, that is what we arranged", said one of the convicts, as told by the gate guard.
Reducir al guardia, consigna Beldi, fue un simple trámite: el vigilante era un Testigo de Jehová que no portaba armas porque su religión se lo impide. "¿Hay fuerzas de seguridad en el mundo que reclutan a religiosos que detestan las armas?", fue la pregunta que se hacen todos
Overpowering the guard, tells Beldi, was a simple thing: The guard was a Jehovah's Witness that did not carry any weapons because his religion prohibits it. Are there any security forces in the world that hire religious people who hate weapons"? is the question everyone is asking.
Buenos Aires.- Pasan las horas y cada vez aparecen argumentos increíbles para las serias medidas de seguridad que supone un penal de máxima detención. Ahora se filtró la insólita justificación delguardiacárcel reducido por los condenados por elTriple Crimen, los hermanos Lanatta y Víctor Schilacci, para fugarse de la cárcel: no tenía armas porque es Testigo de Jeová y la religión le impide la portación de las mismas. ¿Creer o reventar?
Buenos Aires - The hours go by and with each passing hour even more incredible arguments appear that show the serious [gaps] in security that a maximum security prison has. Now the unbelievable justification of the prison guard is known, overpowered by the convicts of the Triple Crime (see, the Lanatta brothers and Victor Schilacci, to let them escape from the prison: he had no weapons because he is a Jehovah's Witness and the religion prohibits him from carrying any. ¿To believe or to explode?
Luis Beldi, a journalist, published the curious piece of data about the investigation of what happened in the post 1 of the gate of the high security unit 30, where three guards are supposed to be. "This is a trap, there shouldn't be anyone here, that is what we arranged", said one of the convicts, as told by the gate guard.
Overpowering the guard, tells Beldi, was a simple thing: The guard was a Jehovah's Witness that did not carry any weapons because his religion prohibits it. Are there any security forces in the world that hire religious people who hate weapons"? is the question everyone is asking.