to marry a non JW is like Adam's choice? deadly? really?

by prologos 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    really? wt's fallacious analogies. so: Adam could not live without her, Eve, but did the continuation of the marriage depend on him eating too? did his' eating extend Eve's life? many more fallacies in that wt illustration. . ( you might think of them), and post please

    1) why not have Adam ignore Eve's offer, live with her for minus 960 years, and after Eve's death, -- marry one of his grand, grand grand-- daughters, still 50% perfect? He could have that way our imperfection, the "dent in the pan", bred out of the human race.

    glad to have the talking snake story to kick around.

    No resurrection for Adam, so: coming retribution for you lucky non-jw-married ones too.

    PS: "Marry only in the Lord." listen to those lording it over you! or else.

  • sir82

    Was this a quote from a magazine, or on some JW broadcast, or just an overeager JW spouting his/her opinion?

  • prologos

    Sir, If Circuit Oversees have to strictly adhere to wt outlines now, it comes from wt writers. ( maintain purity) anyway,

    the non-jw marriage angle does not take away from the hilarity of it all. but

    threatening prospective lovelorn jws with gehenna would be gross.

    "Marry only in the Lord", preferably from among those that are "Lording it over you," (MS, glorious one's families)

  • sir82

    So, I think you are saying a CO said it.

  • prologos

    perhaps others can confirm the very words. Adam actually married "in the Lord" did he really think he would become a widower? even now, couples die very close in time to each other. Did Adam prefer death to life without Eve? Or: did he eat to impress Eve? like Hinckley, the would be killer of R.Reagan, risking all to impress his girl?

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