JW's - Do you follow pagan practices?

by The Fall Guy 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    w95 5/15 p. 19 Part 1—Flashes of Light - Great and Small: “Jehovah’s Witnesses do not celebrate birthdays because these observances have pagan origins and tend to exalt the ones having a birthday.” (JW Broadcasting doesn't exalt the Gibbering Body??????)

    In order to be “faithful in what is least” and to “stop touching the unclean thing,” J.W.'s should abhor & shun all of the following traditions and practices due to their pagan/demonic origins - especially using the names of weekdays and several of the names of months.

    “It was believed that sneezing was the way for the body to rid itself of the devil's evil influences. The act of blessing a person subsequent to a sneeze was meant to act as a safeguard against the devil's evil influences returning.” https://www.theguardian.com/notesandqueries/query/0,5753,-2218,00.html

    “The history of wedding veils tells us that, in ancient times, the Greeks used it as a way of protecting the bride from evil spirits.” https://www.weddingideasmag.com/history-of-wedding-veils-styles-and-trends/

    “One of the first traditions [wedding cake] began in Ancient Rome where bread was broken over the bride’s head to bring good fortune to the couple.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wedding_cake

    Traditionally, wedding cakes were made to bring good luck to all guests and the couple.......The wedding cake is surrounded by superstitions.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wedding_cake

    “The modern necktie spread by Europe traces back to the time of the 30 years war.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necktie#Origins

    “The names of the days of the week in many languages are derived from the names of the classical planets in Hellenistic astrology, which were in turn named after contemporary deities, a system introduced in by the Roman Empire.”

    Sunday – Sol or Helios

    Monday – Luna or Selene

    Tuesday – Mars or Ares

    Wednesday – Mercurius or Hermes

    Thursday – Jupiter or Zeus

    Friday – Venus or Aphrodite

    Saturday – Saturnus or Kronos



    There must be many everyday practices whose origins are pagan/demonic, but are now used by people who in all good conscience do not attribute anything to the origins. Motive is everything.

  • scratchme1010
    There must be many everyday practices whose origins are pagan/demonic, but are now used by people who in all good conscience do not attribute anything to the origins. Motive is everything.

    Yes, like covering up for sexual abuse of children.

  • Hanged Man
    Hanged Man

    The thing about the seven planets being pagan (and they think should be rejected).....is the fact that all of the sevens in the bible are due to the seven planets....they are all over it....for example....In Ezekiel,the man with the secretary's inkhorn by his side is Mercury/Hermes/Thoth....the God of Communication (and psychopomp).....the letter he puts on the foreheads of those groaning is the letter "Tau" which is the last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet....and linked to Saturn....Old father time/the Ancient of Days/the "Grim Reaper".....David is the planet Mars (the soldier/warrior) and Bathsheba is the planet Venus...the Goddess of love and desire.....and the list goes on and on.


    The above is the Thoth tarot portraying Mercury/Hermes/Thoth and you can see stylus above his right hand and the writing scroll opposite....Mercury is the the God of communication.

    You can also see in the card....the two snakes above his head portraying a stylized caduceus....Mercury always has a caduceus.....snakes on a pole..

    The four elements earth,air,fire and water are also portrayed. (the four living creatures/The tetragrammaton)

    The wand in his hand represents fire,the cup...water,the sword...air and the disks represent earth.

    The creature bottom right is the Ape of Thoth.

    From beginning to end....it is all astrology.

  • Hanged Man
    Hanged Man

    Mercury is connected with the second Hebrew letter "Beth" and you can see the letter just to the right where "Magus" is written and the symbol for Mercury to the left.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Every friggin thing on the planet that has it's origin from a time before the Roman Catholic Church was established is pagan.

    A pagan is "a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions."
    IOW: "
    a person who is not religious or whose religion is not Christianity, Judaism, or Islam."

    For objects or events, "Pagan" means that the thing is "of or related to Pagans."

    You can't win once you go down that road.
    Sure, we all understand Easter, Mardi Gras, Halloween, even the stuff done on birthdays. But common doors have the sign of the cross:

    I am sure dancing has origins in mating rituals.
    Chocolate comes from
    Aztecs who used a bitter chocolate drink in their religious ceremonies.

    You can't win.

  • krismalone

    Piñatas are pagan but WT allows it if no one sees it as worshipping the devil. Same could apply to all holidays but WT still bans them.

    The WT double standards have become hilarious. I rather laugh than to get pissed off of their double standards.

  • LisaRose

    Pagan, smagen, it's just customs people had before christianity, nothing to get excited about. It's really just a way for the cult to set themselves apart and feel "holier than thou" and also completely arbitrary, as they accept many things of so called "pagan origin"" while rejecting others for no good reason. It reminds of when Jesus warned about "practicing your righteousness before men", all for show.

    When people say "bless you" when you sneeze they aren't worried about demons, it's just a social pleasantry, nobody cares about the original meaning, when a JW brings it up It just makes them seem deranged.

  • Diogenesister

    Pagan means village person or yokel, in the original language of the Bible.

    You can imagine the upper classes coming back after their Babylonian education, looking down on "the people of the land" and all their customs, as indeed they did.

  • LongHairGal


    I totally agree with you that just about everything has a pagan origin and you’d have to get off the planet to escape it.

    This is why I don’t have a problem celebrating the holidays or birthdays. The religion’s excuse that they are ‘pagan’ is just a cover for the REAL reason they don’t want JWs celebrating: they want to separate people from their non-JW friends and relatives.

    They are afraid if JWs experience unconditional love and happiness then they won’t want the religion anymore. Good guess because this was one of the reasons I left the religion. It was right at the top of the list along with the 1995 Generation thing.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Freddie Franz once had a plan to produce a JW Calendar where the days of the week and months of the year had their names changed from current pagan origins.

    It's well documented in an old WT somewhere.


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