See translation bellow.
Dear brothers:
We are glad to inform you about our next preaching campaign for the 2017 service year, in order to help spread the message of the good news "to the ends
of the earth "(Rom. 10:18). This is the only preaching campaign for the 2017 service year.
Duration: The campaign will last one year, from 1 September 2016 to 31 August 2017.
The minimum time to participate is three weeks and up to three months.
Territory: congregations in need and unallocated territories.
Support a congregation: Choose this option if you wish to support a congregation
that needs help to preach their territory.
Unassigned territory: choose this option who wish to preach territories not
assigned to a congregation. Because this are territories where usually there is no witnesses
, it will be necessary for teams to be prepared to hold meetings and organize
Must choose at least five options of the List of Territories, of which the branch will decide which one the group will support. Request the list from the secretary of the congregation. In the case of
Mexico alone may request congregations or territories within the country, can not support other
countries. Precursors of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and
Panama may request any country.
Participants: Participants who serve as regular or auxiliary pioneers and have
18 years or more during the period they support. As an exception, parents can take their children
small if the conduct of these is exemplary. Although they can participate single and married, the
married must be accompanied by their spouse, and both should serve as pioneers.
Groups. They must form groups of at least two people and ten at most, in the
including a captain. We will not accept requests from groups made entirely of single pioneers where there is both genders (Clarifcation note by STA.. no single ladies mixed up with single dudes unless there is someone to watch them). If there are more than ten requests from the same group, they must form a separate group with their own captain.
Because no individual applications will be accepted, they can form the group with brothers of their congregation or other congregations
Subject: Preaching Campaign 2017
August 29, 2016
Page 2
Request: If there is an elder or ministerial servant in the group, he will be the captain. He
will ask the Secretary the form "Request for preaching campaign", he will complete and deliver to your committee
Service for analysis and approval. If there is no male, an experienced sister can be used. The application must be submitted to the Secretary at least three months before the
date wishing to start their participation. Only one application with master data will be filled,
other members of the group should not fill.
Assignment. Later, the branch will inform the congregation of their assingment and the contact address for the congregation in the assinged territory. This way you can communicate with the elders of
that congregation to provide him with details on how to reach the territory, customs in
location, common problems and potential risks.
Accommodation: transportation and other expenses. It is the responsibility of the group look for accommodation
in their assignment. This will be particularly necessary for those who support unassigned territories,
because they are far from a congregation. They should have sufficient resources to cover its
transportation costs, rent and meals during their assignment. For more details, consult the
FAQ document on the campaign to be placed on the bulletin board next
with this letter.
We trust that the Lord will bless this campaign and the dedicated efforts made by
people take the good news to your location. The aim is that the name of Jehovah "is
declared throughout all the earth "before the end comes (Rom. 9:17).
Receive our Christian love and best wishes
P.D.: to the body of elders
This letter should be read en in the Christian Life and Ministry Meeting. It should be then put in the information board along with the list of territories and FAQ so that publishers can consult it (Except this postdata). All requests should be sent at least 3 months in advance. If the service committee aproves of a group, inform the captain that he should make a request for all required publications for the whole group thru the congregation. At the same time. the secretary should send the form "Request for preaching campaign" using the congregation's email from JW.ORG. If the pioneers want to know about preaching in other countries in Central America, please thank them for their good initiative but inform them that this year, due to certain migratory procedures, brothers from Mexico will only be able to support this country (Mexico). It would not be possible to assign them to another country.
PD: to circuit overseers
We ask you to please help boost enthusiasm and interest in this campaign when you visit congregations.