The Non-leaders of the Jehovah’s Witnesses

by Vanderhoven7 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Vanderhoven7

    Mark Jones has provided photos and info on the current Faithful and Wise Servant of Jehovah

    The actual leaders of the Jehovah’s Witnesses are known as the Governing Body.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses on here will be quick to try and convince you that they have no leader other than Jesus and that the governing body are not leaders… no, no… get this, they’re simply men “who take the lead”… which is the very definition of a leader.

    The governing body are 8 mentally ill and/or deluded men running the Jehovah’s Witness religion from New York.

    1. Kenneth Cook. A man who, so far, is the only one who has managed to not make a total fool of himself on camera (but there’s still time).
    2. Samuel Herd. A man who, by his own admission, only studied with the Jehovah’s Witnesses back in the 1950s because he wanted to date a Jehovah’s Witness girl.[1] Sam believes that women have smaller brains than men and that for this reason “are just not equipped for the role of headship” and that any woman who wishes to teach from the platform must be a closet homosexual.[2]
    3. Geoffrey Jackson. A man who had to be dragged to testify in court to defend his own religions policies of allowing child molesters to walk free unless two witnesses saw them rape a child. He also lied in court stating that his cult does not condone smacking children.[3]
    4. Stephen Lett. A mentally ill man who claimed that children who were raped and reported their rapist to the police were lying.[4] He also has a peculiar way of speaking - very much like Heavens Gate cult leader Marshall Applewhite.
    5. Gerrit Losch. A man who so desperately didn't want to attend court to defend a child molestation lawsuit that he actually claimed to not be a member of the Watchtower society.[5]
    6. Tony Morris III. The most dangerous and unlikable member of the governing body. A Vietnam veteran who’s still suffering from PTSD, has a penchant for expensive scotch[6], celebrated the death of a child who refused a blood transfusion[7] and informed Jehovah’s Witnesses that if they don't spend all their time preaching then god will see blood on their hands and slaughter them in Armageddon. [8]
    7. Mark Sanderson. The only governing body member who willingly turned up for court… but only because the Russian government were trying to ban his cult and confiscate their property. When the court banned his “religion” as extremist he took the first plane out of the country leaving Russian JW’s high and dry.[9]
    8. David Splane. A man (who’s combover is fooling no one) who actually told the members that when Jesus said “This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur,” that he actually meant TWO overlapping generations of Jehovah’s Witnesses. One that was alive in 1914 and one that was alive at the same time as that group, and that Armageddon will come before the second group pass away.[10]


    [7] 21st Century Christian martyrdom: Tony Morris praises JW boy who died refusing blood - JWsurvey
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  • Mum

    They also say they are not infallible, but will not tolerate disagreement with their views.

    The pope is thought to be infallible, but anyone can safely openly disagree with him.

    I sometimes think they're just charlatans, like televangelists. All of them live by different rules than they have for the rest of us.

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  • Biahi

    Great post!👍🏻😀

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