Japanese Still-ins are outraged with this Video
by nakanozzi 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
He's using too much JW terminology. Gives himself away. What's the outrage about? I can't read the Japanese commentary.
I could only take so much of his arguments turned it off halfway through it.
Just seemed like he was nit-picking ? Sure , you wouldn`t have seen anything like that 5-10 or so years ago , however he could have challenged the WT on a more serious note , say like G.Jackson testimony at the Australian Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse , or the UK investigation into the WT , or even all the law suites taking place in the USA .etc,etc.
Plus,,, I don`t see where Japanese still ins are outraged with this video , maybe I will have to look at the rest of the video , and comment againĀ
Hi Lieu
Many JWs in Japan are shocked and angry about Org's misusing donated money.
nakanozzi - "Many JWs in Japan are shocked and angry about Org's misusing donated money."
Many JWs in Japan seem to have their heads screwed on straight, then.
Ak, okay. Thanks nakanozzi.
is there a translation please
Nakanozzi, thanks for sharing that. The Japanese provide a large part of WT revenue and host a super branch. The are justifiably upset that their money is misused.
Pete Zahut
I don't understand how the JW on the phone didn't pick up on the fact that he was talking to someone who was obviously much more informed about JW's than the typical householder could be. It seemed like the guy calling in, started to believe his own story about the $100.00 donation...got quite worked up about it.
I think I would have pointed out the fact that they say the end is so close and countless millions of men women and children are about to be annihilated, yet they took the time out to make a video of themselves prancing around looking to a song written by someone they figure is doomed, and they looked quite unconcerned about the whole thing....quite giddy even, which demonstrates that they are convinced they have it made, in terms of surviving Armageddon and don't really have a true and literal grasp of how horrific of an event they are looking forward to.