Anyone heard of this?

by startingover 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • startingover

    I was having an in depth discussion on religion with a friend, and he mentioned to me that Mormons have the same information given the same day worldwide in their meetings (or whatever they call them) just like the dubs do. This was new to me. And important, since my loyal dub wife told me in our last discussion that was a big reason why she had the truth, the worldwide unity.

    Anyone here heard this before?

  • Lord Zagato
    Lord Zagato

    Well, with mass media and especially with e-mail and the Internet, it's not new or surprising. It's certainly not a miracle by a long shot now...

  • qwerty

    Not heard of that startingover.

    Thanks I shall remember that for the right occasion!


  • Introspection

    Bah, that's uniformity, not unity. Unity doesn't require things to be identical, in fact isn't it reasonable for only the core doctrines to be the same? Remember how you were supposed to form comments in your own words, but people just tended to read the part the underlined in the paragraph or just rephrase it? That's simply called not being able to think.

  • startingover

    Unitformity to me too, but to my wife the idea of being able to go anywhere in the world and hear the same message indicates unity and proof that it's God's organization. If I could find out for sure whether or not the Mormons do it too, it would give me something more to share with her.

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