All this stuff about DFing and the repentance shown by those who want to get back in and the contempt shown towards them by the flock thereafter got me thinking: Is this always the case? Can a reinstated DF ever be promoted? Could they ever reach elder or higher? Do they? Are there any?
DF Promotion
by Stephanus 7 Replies latest jw friends
I know of one who was D/F for adultry. He is now an Elder again after 20 yrs of being D/F!
"In the end, everything is a gag. "
- Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) -
This is true. Even those who are in "adulterous marriages" (meaning those who married after divorce not on the grounds of fornication) according to the elders manual, are sometimes promoted to higher positions in the congregation. Of course, this is only done in remote hillbilly areas where there are no other options.
Yes it is possible depending on the nature of the dfing. Example below
*** w83 3/15 29 Honor Godly Marriage! ***
In such a case, however, considerable time should elapse before elders could even entertain any request for reinstatement. Conscientious elders would not be hasty. They need to see very clear evidence of fruits befitting repentance. Even if such a sinner were in due course reinstated, it would be many years, if ever, before the elders could recommend him for special privileges in the congregation, and in any event not before the remarriage or death of the innocent mate. (1 Timothy 3:2, 12) We can appreciate the seriousness of this sort of planned adultery before Jehovah God by recalling that under his righteous Law in ancient Israel adulterers would have been stoned to death. (Deuteronomy 22:22) And today, whatever congregations may decide, Jehovah is the ultimate Judge. “God will judge fornicators and adulterers.”—Hebrews 13:4."But it does move"
Galileo -
what if you're anointed and df'd do u still get to redeem your seat in the mezzanine section of heaven if u get reinstated?
And not a mention of Jesus teachings in that quote Hippy
the rules are simple. 3 years for reproof, 5 years for df after reinstatement. though this is not absolute the society holds to this as a guideline. if the co is hot for you and will write a letter, you might make it in 2 and 4 respectively. so it is not so hard to get back after being df.
Joseph Joachim
About "adulterous marriages": I understand the guy will not get "privileges" in the Congregation (not even handling the microphones) until his former wife gets married again or dies. At least those were the rules 6 years ago when I left.
There was an (in)famous case in Argentina about 20 years ago, when one of the Branch Overseers (called Di Luca) left his stone-cold frigid wife (Eugenia Sasarej) and got away with a (female) special pioneer. He was reinstated after 7 years but has no privileges because Eugenia has stayed single (of course, no one will marry her after all the rumors that were rolled). The funny thing is that Di Luca is still being kind of half-shunned by the "spiritual" old-timers.~Joseph Joachim
PS: I love you Eugenia