I owe my life to a woman named Alle, who is my best friend in the whole wide world. When I was 14, the wife of one of the elders in my congregation decided she should study with me (I was 15 when I baptized) and this woman used to warn me about a sister in a neighboring congregation who was demonized (despite being a regular pioneer), telling me to stay away from her. The sister in the neighboring cong was Alle. The warning was about all I needed to try and track Alle down. At this point in my life I was compensating by being uber-witness, studing like a fiend, citing every scripture possible in my WT when I prepared for the Sunday meeting, auxillary pioneering while still in highschool. But yet, in the back of my mind, I always knew this wasn't for me. I decided to test Alle one day. I ran in to her in field service, we were both doing street work, and when nobody else could hear me, I leaned in a said: "This is a bunch of f**ing bulls**t." She just gave me the most surprised look I have ever seen. I figured she would either rat me out, in which case I'd deny it, after all who would they believe, me or her? or if she didn't rat me out, then I'd know I could count on her. She didn't rat me out, and despite her being 18 years my senior we became best friends. When I was 16 and reproved for immorality (I made out with a guy) and tried to kill myself, she rushed me to the hospital and stayed with me. My parents never found out. I'd hang out at her house and smoke and watch Life of Brian. Both of us knew we had to make our break, and both of us did. I went off to college and did my thing, she went back to England and slowly faded away, met a woman, fell in love (didn't work out though). I haven't seen her in 7 years, but we've been in contact throughout this time. She may be flying up to see me in the next couple weeks. She's in South Africa now. I can't wait. Had I not had Alle in my life, I would be dead.
I found my best friend in the JW org
by Freedomrules 3 Replies latest jw friends
Granny Linda
Enjoy your visit. While many people will cross paths with us, some will always hold a special spot in our hearts.
Everyone needs an Alle.
That's really great Freedom. Maybe you can turn her on to the forum here.