My 13 year old little princess wants to Judaism.
She asked me today on the way home from her therapist if she had to take the Confirmation class next year in the Catholic Church. I told her that she didn't have to take it until she was ready to, that it was wholly her decision. She then said she's thinking about becoming Jewish.
I've exposed my kids to a variety of religious customs and traditions while maintaining a Catholic perspective. She apparently likes what she sees in Judaism. I told her that if it weren't for how I felt about one particular Jew (Jesus) I would have converted a long time ago.
She's been reading a lot about the Holocaust lately, she's 13, she's testing the waters. On the issue of religion, I will let her make her own choices within reason (No kingdom halls and no Jim Jones types).
On an ugly note she told me she was sexually assaulted about three years ago by one of her "girlfriends" of the same age. Her therapy went a bit long today. I'm glad she felt she could share this with me.
Ain't life grand!