Well, I deliberately planned and enginnered my exit so I wasn't DF'd.
I felt it would make life easier with my family and ex-wife and kids if I was a 'walk-away'.
Side point; expatbrit, to what degree of seriousness do you use the term 'faded' with? I used to say 'fallen-away' until I realised I didn't fall, I walked. For me, overcoming loaded language was important. Ame doesn't neccesarily apply to you, but maybe 'quenched' is better than 'faded'! 8-)
As I was saying, I walked away, and when I was eventually spoken to by elders when I admitted adultery after about eighteen years out, I managed to be 'repentant', at the same time as saying I didn't 'feel ready to go back to the meetings'. They huffed and puffed about DF'ing, but I pointed out a Watchtower that said if you were inactive for six months you weren't really a Witness any longer.
Believe it or not, it worked, although if I'd been dealing with three elders with a combined IQ of over 100 I might not have got away with it.
Putting myself in your situation; well, what business is it of theirs too look down their nose at you through cult-blinded eyes.
They might be really nice people in some ways, but prod the right button and you get the attack of the cult zombie, and Borg freak at DF'd people, even if they are on another level a nice person.
By not telling, you can get past the programming. Say someone sat next to you on an airplane is a dub. Tell them when you get off, if at all, so they have the fact that they sat next to a DF'd person without the demons eating their eyes, and enjoyed their company, and though what a nice person they were, eat through their cognitive dissonance filter. Alternately play the 'studied a while' person, and plant tickyticky mind bombs all over their head with an innocent smile.
They bastards must know I'm a deceitful bastard, as I never get a chance to do anything; one call in seven years, and I didn't have time to talk as I had a girl in bed!
I do think under circumstances, there are good reasons to talk to them; maybe just one sentence from you will be all they need to start to get out.
Tickyticky time bombs - we all had one go off in our heads, even if the fuse was very long.
So let's be little firestarters!!