Just read 1984. I'm sure it's bean beaten to death, but besides being an excellent book, the similarities between the "Party" and the Witnesses is alarming. Anyways, if you haven't read it you should. Not because of the similarites but because it really is a fantastic book.
by Naeblis 6 Replies latest jw friends
So then you add the length of a generation - 70 years - onto 1914 and you have..............OHMIGAWD! Another failed prophesy!
Are you saying George Orwell was a witness??? :P
It was widely believed that this is where Orwell got his date from.
It's probably just another of those legends.Englishman.
But I thought a generation was 80 years? 89 years? oh, you redefined the generation?
My bad.
. o O (slipnslidemaster)
I heard that Orwell wrote it in 1948; he simply transposed the date to come up with 1984.
That is true. Orwell just transposed 1948 to 1984.
The book was essentially about a whole world ruled by 3 large totalitarian communist blocks. Orwell was an ardent anti-communist, and saw what Stalinism was about while many intellectuals in the west were blinded by fact that the Soviet had vanquished Nazism.
Re: Orwell and the JWs. The book "The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses" (1984 (!)) by Gary and Heather Botting points to many remarkable coincidences connecting the JW movement to elements in the book "1984." But I don't think any real connection has been established.
- Jan
Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]