Exposing WTBTS Lies & Errors - Part 8

by AGuest 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AGuest


    Paragraph 13 -

    "Most Jews in Smyrna were 'a synagogue of Satan' because they held to unscriptural traditions, rejected God's Son, and blasphemed his spirit-begotten followers."

    Although the statement is true, the use of it by the WTBTS to show that they are NOT "synagogue of Satan"... is a lie. For although the WTBTS can "see" the truth of the words stated here, they cannot see that truth... or the hypocrisy in their making such statement... in their own situation. For that organization itself holds to MANY "unscriptural traditions," including the institution of its own "clergy" (which they vehemently deny, while condemning others)... as born out in the existence of a "Governing Body,"... followed by "District Overseers", "Circuit Overseers," "City Overseers," "Presiding Overseers," "elder bodies," and "ministerial servants." There was NO such arrangement in during the 1st century, for none had been set up by my Lord:

    "... for ONE... is your Leader." - Matthew 23:10

    The "older men" of that day were for the benefit of the JEWS only, for such ones had been raised under an arrangement whereby wisdom came with age and maturity... and under the Law Covenant, the older men were to be greatly respected. However, the "nations" were NOT brought into the Law Covenant, but along WITH the Jews... were taken into a NEW Covenant... whereby it was HOLY SPIRIT... and NOT AGE... that granted a person wisdom. Thus, even a woman or a young one could have been granted the gift of God's spirit that is wisdom and knowledge... along with prophesying... so that when speaking BY that spirit... were to be listened to, in fulfillment of the prophesy.

    Acts 2:17, 18; 1 Corinthians 12:3-11; 1 Corinthians 11:5

    As for "overseers," their very teaching on this subject in FALSE. For there were no overseers of "faith", but overseers of the DISTRIBUTION to the widows, orphans and poor! The WTBTS would have you believe that "overseers" were appointed to lead the congregations; however, no such thing occurred, for whomever spoke by holy spirit... whomever PROPHESIED... including women and young ones... was given leave to speak and teach... while the others were to listen.

    1 Corinthians 12:1-14:39

    Thus, as Paul (?) said, "NOT... that we are masters... over your FAITH." Why was this? Because, if one is taught BY HOLY SPIRIT... one does need ANYONE "to be teaching [you] ANYTHING." For the Holy Spirit... will lead you... into ALL truth."

    1 John 2:26-29; 5:20

    Yet, one must remain "in union" with Christ, and thereby with the Spirit, in order to benefit from this. But the WTBTS would have you believe otherwise. Rather than lovingly and eagerly inviting you to PARTAKE of the means by which you "come into union" (communion) with God and Christ... they tell you NOT to do so... that you should NOT... and thereby "shut up the kingdom of the heavens before [you]." Why? Is it because perhaps they themselves are not going in? I am to ask you: is it those who profess to be "anointed" to tell you not to eat and drink? Or is it those who do not eat and drink themselves? Dear ones... in ancient times... ALL ate the manna - Israel and the "mixed crowd" alike! And ALL drank from the Rock-Mass... that is the Christ!

    Beloved, was it not the manna that kept Israel and those that went with them alive in the wilderness? And yet, they died. Is it not the TRUE BREAD from heaven, then... the TRUE MANNA... that was given in order to keep your souls alive... forever?

    1 Corinthians 10:1-3; John 6:51-53, 56; 15:6; Matthew 23:13; Numbers 11:4-6

    Yet, like the religious organizations that they decry, the WTBTS has sat men of their OWN choosing... "in the seat of Moses." They have granted "priestly duties" to those whom even THEY admit are not priests, thereby fulfilling the prophesy that "an army will be gradually given over...". And now, in this day, just as the priests of my Lord's day on earth shrunk from their responsibility of PROTECTING the sheep from the "wolves... in sheep's CLOTHING..." by leading them to the Fine Shepherd... and NO other... so, too, those so-called "anointed" of the WTBTS... have given OVER that "seat"... and have delivered what was NOT theirs... God's Household... into the hands of earthling men.

    By this "trickiness," they have, then, led the sheep NOT the Christ, but have taught them to REJECT him as the true Leader of the sheep, by naming THEMSELVES as "the truth," when IN TRUTH there is only ONE Truth (John 14:6). When one wants to "inquire of God," to whom do they direct such one? To the One who speaks to us from the heavens? To the One whose voice he said his sheep would hear? NO. They direct them... TO THEMSELVES... to their plethora of written propaganda designed to MISLEAD the sheep, yes, "even the chosen ones," if possible!

    They themselves acknowledge that they are not prophets; they do not hear my Lord's voice, so that the "food" they dispense is always "changing"... as their understanding changes. But TRUTH, dear ones... DOES NOT CHANGE! If it is "blue" is true today, then "red" cannot be. If "red" is true today... then "blue" cannot be. Thus, if what is being TODAY as "new light" is TRUE... then what was the "old" light? If it was not true, then it was FALSE.

    The statement continues in its hypocrisy in that, while stating, "they held to unscriptural traditions," these who have printed this very statement do the same thing!" How so? During the 1st century, the Pharisees attempted to find fault with my Lord and his disciples by accusing them of "overstepping the traditions of the men of former times," by not washing their hands. A small thing? Not to those whose hearts were wicked. Because while they were pointing out this "straw", my Lord pointed out their RAFTER when he said to them, "Why do YOU overstep the commandment of God because of YOUR tradition"?

    What tradition was this? It was the "tradition"... of giving to the temple that which could have been of benefit to a father or mother. The "tradition" had even gone so far as to teach that it was BETTER to give to the temple... than to care for one's parents! And how does the WTBTS measure up in this manner? They, too, dear ones... teach a tradition of CORBAN! For they... teach their members that anything given to that organization, in the way of money or some other asset of value... is "a gift dedicated to God!" But if God does not need anything from us, but has commanded that we care for one another, how can that be? How can God... whose Son SHOWED us how we are to care for one another, by feeding the hungry, helping the poor... and caring for his OWN mother... now wish us to give our money... to HIM? What need does He have of it? None, of course. So, how then, can they take the straw from their brother's eye... when so LARGE a rafter exists in theirs?

    And finally, they prove false again to their statement, in that they, too, have "blasphemed" the "spirit-begotten" followers of God and Christ. How so? Like their forefathers before the 1st century, and those who lived then, they do as my Lord said and make the statement:

    "If WE were in the days of our forefathers, WE would not be sharers of them in the blood of the prophets."

    And yet, even as my Lord said, they "build the memorial tombs" of the killers of the prophets, lauding those who are FALSE prophets and who put to death, in their hearts, those sent to them... and even engage in such "killing" themselves... by slandering, maligning, and expelling those SENT to them, those who come in PEACE and in the name of the Son of JAH... as sent BY that one... generating hatred in the hearts of their members for such ones so that they are considered "dead." They close their ears and weep and gnash their teeth, and say:

    "You were altogether born in sins and yet, YOU are teaching US?" and "You must not prophesy against [us] and you must let NO word drop against [us]?

    But such ones did not come to them of their own volition, nor did they speak of their own initiative. But it was by means of the spirit of God, holy spirit, through Christ, that such ones spoke, by means of the One who "opened" their eyes... and "excavated" their ears! Thus, it was that One... whom they rejected. For just as the One opened the eyes of the physically blind... and such man was REJECTED for telling the TRUTH, so, too, these are rejected... expelled... for telling the TRUTH as to who opened their SPIRITUAL eyes!

    Such ones are even rejected... by their own flesh... family... for telling such truth... due to their FEAR... of the "Pharisees"! "Jerusalem, Jerusalem..."

    Acts 2:17, 18; Amos 7:14-16; John 10:27; Psalm 40:6; John 9:1-34; Revelation 3:17; Matthew 10:27-42

    But... it is NOT too late for those who have been misled... to TURN AROUND and REPENT. Not the filth of the flesh... but the filth... of the HEART. It is NOT too late to leave the "broad and spacious road," which many find... and seek entry through the NARROW Gate... the DOOR which is my Lord... which FEW find. It is not too late, for indeed, the Spirit and the Bride KEEP saying:

    "COME! Take 'life's water'... free!"

    Matthew 7:14; John 10:7, 8; Revelation 22:17

    I, myself, SJ, servant to the Household of God and all those who go with them... and a slave of Christ, have spoken it to you, just as I have heard and received it from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name is JAH... of Armies.

    Again, I bid you peace!

  • gumby
    For that organization itself holds to MANY "unscriptural traditions," including the institution of its own "clergy" (which they vehemently deny, while condemning others)... as born out in the existence of a "Presiding Overseers," "elder bodies," and "ministerial servants." There was NO such arrangement in during the 1st century, for none had been set up by my Lord:

    I thought Paul lived in the 1st. century and himself set up an Elder/bishop Ministerial/deacon arrangement. There were also spiritual leaders and "teachers" and councils ( read the book of acts )

    If you are saying that James and Peter, Barnabas, and Paul were not ones who handled problems and decided things over the other followers.....you are mistaken.

    Other believers have the same stuff in their churches.......just not the magnitude and claims the dubs make.


  • AGuest

    Peace to you, dear Gumby...

    I thought Paul lived in the 1st. century and himself set up an Elder/bishop Ministerial/deacon arrangement.

    Actually, I think you err. First, respect for the older men was a given. Was then, and for those deserving of it, should be now. But let me tell you the TRUTH of the "arrangement" set up by Paul of which you speak.

    In TRUTH, it was not initially set up by Paul... but by the 12: a famine was arising throughout the lands, so that several "relief" missions... or "ministries" took place. Those who had an abundance in the way of material things gave what they had/could to the apostles to be given to those who had little or nothing. To make an "equalization." This was "fine" as... "the form of worship that is acceptable to God is... to look after widows and orphans... in their tribulation."

    At some point, however, a dispute arose: the Hebrew-speaking and Greek-speaking Jews widows were not receiving equitable shares of the things distributed. The apostles, believing that THEY had to continue preaching the Word, the Good News, Christ... to bring the Jews into line for salvation... did not feel they had time to OVERSEE the matter. SO... they appointed seven (7) men, "full of spirit"... to OVERSEE... the distribution of food and other needful items... to the widows, orphans and poor (this included Stephen).

    And in order to do this, get the food and items TO the widows and poor... those APPOINTED AS OVERSEERS... appointed servants... "MINISTERIAL" servants... both male AND female... to help them do this. Why? Because some of the widows were too OLD... and some of the poor to LAME... and others too SICK... to make it to the site of distribution; thus, things had to be taken to THEM. Would they have sent a man to minister (i.e., feed, bathe, bind, cloth, clean house for, etc.) to a sick or elderly woman?! Think hard before you answer.

    Due to the risk of theft and unequitable division of the goods, however, the men APPOINTED AS OVERSEERS... had to be irreprehensible. They had to have good reputations, no, IMMACULATE reputations. And the "ministerial" servants also had to meet certain requirements. And this was understandable: a LOT of money, foods, and other valuables were gathered and distributed; a LOT was sent to the holy ones in need in other lands. And to steal from this provision... could prove fatal. What kind of "witness" would that give, to have untrustworthy men handling this task... stealing... and then dropping dead and folks not receiving anything?! What kind of reproach could such an affair cause on the name of the Most Holy One of Israel... and His Son?

    At the time of distribution, widows, at least age 60, and who had fulfilled other requirements (washing the feet of the holy ones, also providing "relief" - food, etc. - to those in tribulation, etc.) could be put on the "list" to recieve a portion. OLDER MEN... received a DOUBLE portion... or double "honor" (literally, "double reward" or "double consideration")... because they had themselves... AND THEIR WIVES... to care for! Younger widows could NOT be put on the list, for they had husbands to care for them.

    Those that you and others call "bishops", were simply the older men who OVERSAW the distributions to the poor. Those that you and others call "deacons,"... were simply the men... AND WOMEN... who assisted them... by being SERVANTS... and MINISTERING... to those who received a portion.

    I have not quoted verse here... because there are just way too many. I would advise you, if you cannot hear the Spirit... and the TRUTH... of what I have shared with you here... that you condescend to read the Acts of the Apostles... in its entirety... as well as Paul's letters to the Thessalonicans... the ones he COMMENDED for helping him feed those in Macedonia and Achaia. The 12... handled those in Judea.

    Just so you know this, too, however: When holy spirit was poured out, it was those who taught by means of holy spirit who were to be heeded. For JAH gave some as apostles, some as prophets and some as teachers... some as evangelizers... some as shepherds and some as teachers. BUT... none had any kind of "rank" over the other, for all were members of the SAME Body... set IN that Body, just as God pleased, through Christ.

    There were also spiritual leaders and "teachers" and councils ( read the book of acts )

    I would exhort YOU to re-read it, dear Gumby.

    If you are saying that James and Peter, Barnabas, and Paul were not ones who handled problems and decided things over the other followers.....you are mistaken.

    God's spirit "moved" whomever He wished it to move... whenever. Peter told the older men in Jerusalem that circumcision was not necessary. At first, they didn't believe him, but eventually they gave in. For a time. After awhile, they began to teach it again. However, when Paul and Barnabas came to them, these did NOT listen to Paul... or Barnabas... but to JAMES... whose statement was later corroborated by HOLY SPIRIT. After that, the apostles... older men... ALONG WITH THE ENTIRE CONGREGATION... made an agreement to follow the leading of the spirit.

    Other believers have the same stuff in their churches.......just not the magnitude claims the dubs make.

    And you say that to say what? That I should believe it because others do... or, at least, their churches teach it? Sorry, but I don't follow earthling man, dear Gumby. I follow... the Lamb. Wherever HE goes.

    I bid you peace, dear one... and ears to hear... so that you stop being misled by the false teachings of earthling man... and understand in TRUTH... just how the 1st century disciples "followed" Christ... as we are to do today.

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • archangel01

    Way to go, You rock!

    I really enjoyed reading everything! Keep Up the Great work brother

  • AGuest

    Dearest Archangel101...

    May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH... of Armies... and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... be upon you... to time indefinite... if you so wish it.

    Your servant, sister and a slave of Christ,


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