One of the most outstanding examples in history of someone trying to be just like Jehovah is Adolph Hitler. Let me explain. Jehovah is angry at the human race because of something our ancient ancestors supposedly did in a fabled Garden of Eden. As the Apostle Paul argues, each human being is born with the stain of "original sin" inherited from our first parents. So, according to this reasoning, each human being is under the curse of Jehovah/Satan unless they kneel before him abjectly. Eventually (according to which church you belong to) either Jehovah will annihilate all unbelievers or he will throw them into hellfire where they will be "tormented day and night forever and ever."
In other words, the human race will supposedly be tortured or destroyed by Jehovah/Satan because of something we inherited from an ancient ancestor, something utterly outside of our control. Because of something we were born with, an accident of birth, a genetic defect. How is this like Adolph Hitler? Adolph Hitler despised the Jews because of an accident of birth. They were born Jews! So, he hated them and hunted them down and tortured them horribly, and finally killed around six million of them. Because they were born Jews. He also murdered the mentally and physically handicapped.
No sane or civilized person approves of Adolph Hitler. When we read of his dark deeds, and see the horror of the Holocaust portrayed in films such as Schindler's List, we are repulsed and aghast. Yet, Bible-believers will read of worse behavior on the part of their god Jehovah and think nothing of it! Somehow, in these people's minds, behavior that is Satanic when performed by humans such as Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin or Charles Manson, is magically transformed into the Epitome of Holiness when attributed to God!
I am constantly amazed at the blinders that Christians and even Jews wear when reading about the raging exploits of their god Satan. If we were to read in the newspaper of some "prophet" claiming that he heard God speaking to him, and commanding him to raise an army to kill all Jews, we would write him off (and rightly so) as a lunatic. Yet, when most Christians read of some self-proclaimed prophet of Jehovah in the Bible "hearing the voice of God,” and commanding the Jews to kill men, women, infants, the elderly (and even rip unborn children out of their mother's wombs as in Hosea 13:16), it all seems quite natural and normal and acceptable to them! Such people are not sane.
Who among us would torture and kill someone because they were born with a dread disease inherited from their parents? No one with even a shred of sanity! Even if that unfortunate individual displayed terrible anti-social behavior because of the inherited disease, we would seek to help that person, not torture and kill that person. Yet, Jehovah the Bible-fiend does precisely that! So you see, Adolph Hitler was indeed trying to be just like the god Jehovah. The Jehovah-fiend is the prototype for every fiend. Now and forever, world without end, amen.