Where did Josh GOOOOOOOAmerican Idol

by SheilaM 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    Why is Josh not with the top 10??????

  • RandomTask

    Probably had to go back to Marine Duty

  • caligirl

    He is active duty. Probably they aren't giving him any more leave for this for now. For the record, I really liked him as well, even though I knew he would not be the winner in the competition, but he is a "local boy", if only because of where he is stationed!

  • Shutterbug

    It's my understanding, (haven't watched much,) he sang Country Music, and, apparently there is a bias against this type of music. Some were saying the only reason he got as far as he did was because of the patriotic ferver over the war in Iraq and he is a Marine. Bug

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