"Worship The Only True God." I need your help!
My wife is presently studying this publication by the Watchtower, with a "sister". Two reasons why I am asking for the collective minds of this Forum to help:
1. She is about to start Chapter 9: "What Does The Resurrection Mean For You?" Or something like that.
Her mother died as a Witness, and therefore she feels that the only way that she will see her dead mother again is by following the Watchtower's way of salvation. Her whole family were Witnesses at the time of her death, and my wife still considers herself to be very much a Witness, although not as active as around the time she was baptised in her late teens.
2. We are going on holiday (abroad) to stay with her father and step-mother, who are married. They attend the KH together and he was an Elder in the religion when they lived in th UK, but I'm not sure if he is now, since moving abroad.
Anyway, folks, I am predicting a "showdown" and I would appreciate it if you could put your minds together and come up with some refutations and rebuttals.
PS. If you are thinking that I am just being lazy by not doing a "search" on this subject, then can I just say that I have already done an extensive search, but to no avail...!