Quick stock up...its a Bank holiday...

by ScoobySnax 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    Wandered down to Tesco this evening, and took me about 2 minutes to understand why it was unusually packed solid. Of course its a Bank holiday on Monday and there might might be a run on bread/milk type of shortage. Why do people go crazy stocking up just because the stores will be closed for 1 day. The greedy grabbing eyed Trolley stacked gits. It really winds me up. Oh and I couldn't get no eggs either.

  • gitasatsangha

    I didnt know they had memorial day in the UK. Something new for me to learn, I guess.

  • ScoobySnax

    Gitas..... No thats Memorial day bread and wine. I'm talking about Bank holiday....shortage of bread and milk. And no eggs.

  • Brummie

    Try Asda

  • ScoobySnax

    Brum.......Asda is skanky. Wouldn't be seen dead in there with a trolley.

  • Brummie

    Not even for 6 eggs? Hmmm, I dont believe you, LIAR.

  • Princess

    Your stores are closed on a bank holiday? Wow! The only thing closed in the US on a bank holiday are banks and the postal service. The stores are crazy with sales.

  • ScoobySnax

    Brum.....I got my 6 eggs in Somerfield you'll be pleased to know.

    Princess....Yes this country is really screwy. You can buy a sofa from DFS, but not any milk from the supermarkets....... crazy

  • mattnoel

    ASDA isnt skanky !!! Although I shop at Tesco and of course M & S (sweety darling!), if you want skanky try Iceland or if you are to pikley for Iceland there is a Lidl's and Farmshop in Ashford !

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