How do they justify running ppl off from org? x-Elders, MS, any

by wednesday 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wednesday

    I was basicaly "run off' from the org. had they shown a modicum of human kindesss towards me or my family -i'd probably still be one of them.

    If u have been an elder, or Ms, or just want to comment, tell me , how do they justify this with the scriptures to

    welcome all

    help the spiritually weak?

    help the sick?

    help those who are repentent and returning to the org?

    How do they justify that someone is not worthy to be a JW? On what do they base this?

    I am asking this for real-i would really like an x-elder to tell me how they reason this.


  • Gopher

    I'm not an x-elder, but an x-MS. Anyhow this thing is a large publishing corporation. They're looking for willing "workers" in their "field". So if you're not viewed as able to contribute the proper effort, or you're not in the right clique, they'll find a way to take out their spiritual microscope and "examine" you for faults. Everyone has faults, but certain people won't get away with them.

    When you're deemed spiritually weak, at your lowest point, they will kick you to the curb, viewing you as not "qualifying" as good association. Other churches have ministries to help people facing struggles in their life. With the JW's -- it's one or two elder visits, and if you are deemed unworthy or not properly humble enough, they'll find a way to get you outta there.

    I too was "run off" from the organization. Eventually I came to see that they did me a favor by doing so. That's what it took for me to see the true colors of this so-called "loving" religion.

  • shamus

    I was pretty much a MS when I left... the only thing that I was waiting for was the C.O. visit. It may have taken two visits at most... I was the congregation suckhole.... the next "up and comer". Bleah.

    How do they justify it? They can't. They just don't care. Look at human nature; there is more attention drawn to you by bringing someone into the religion, as opposed to helping out one of your brothers. Why would you want to help them? They're not going to meetings, they must be bad assosiation.... that is the view that everyone had when I was in the religion. It was generally frowned upon. They are such hypocrites, aren;t they, Wednesday! They could have given a flying F*** when I left... good riddance, he wasn;t good enough anyways. I could care less about them now. They showed themselves to have no natural affection between each other, and that is a sign of false religion in the bible.

    There are probably millions more stories just like ours, Wednesday. They make you feel bad even when you leave sometimes.

  • wednesday

    I saw people helped, it really did depend on who u were. I just don't know how they can look themselves in the face, when a perosn is asking for help, and they refuse.

    I swear it makes no sense, b/c even child molesters are given help. What could be worse than that?

    I always wondered, if u are weak, and people stop associating with u, HOW does that help u?

  • Gopher
    even child molesters are given help. What could be worse than that?

    Because there isn't "two witnesses" to the child molestation, every act of child molestation remains an "alleged" act unless the molestor confesses (yeah, right). What could be worse? Oh, smoking, or outwardly questioning the WT Society's teachings....much worse than being an "alleged" child molestor in their view!

    if u are weak, and people stop associating with u, HOW does that help u?

    Because such marking, such withhdrawal of association, is supposed to make you feel lonely so that you'll come crawling back to Jehovah (= the WT organization). Of course you have to go back on their terms, and submit to all their humiliating conditions. How unlike the way the 'prodigal son' was welcomed back without question by his Father!

  • wednesday

    but what about those who come back , are repentent, and do everything they are suposed to, and are still r marked?

  • Mystery


    I was d/fed around 17 yrs.old. I was reinstated in about 6 - 9 months. (I was an elders daughter) After I was reinstated; I graduated and moved to the congeration next to ours.

    I had been best friends with some of these people. My parents best friends with some of them as well. Our 2 congerations would have get-togethers with each other. We were one of those close knit congerations.

    I was going to start over and become a "good little witness". My roommate and I had been to all the meetings, in service, etc... We did all the right things. Within weeks, not months, weeks; we were the talk of the congeration (both). We were drunks, partiers, hypocrites, liars..... you name it we had done it. And we had done none of those things. None. I had been d/f'ed and moved out. So I was bad association. Reinstatement................... what a joke.

  • the mole
    the mole

    ***the mole*** i was a former ms.. I never enjoyed going to peoples homes because when i got back in the car with the elders after the visit with whomever is when i heard most of the gripes and opinions of my brothers and sisters. The brothers say they pray over the matter but my experience being associated with the org all my life that this is not the case. if an elder has it in for you no matter what you do you will get punished or df'd. the number one rule to remember is that if you cant conform you will be cast out...****the mole***

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Jehovah's Witnesses are the epitome of "what have you done for me lately?" This is an organization that cares only about selling literature and keeping the worker bees occupied with mindless busy work of attending meetings and service. If there is one word I would use for what they want from you it is: STATS.

    Numbers are all that matters. That is why a pedophile can be more valued than a woman truly express and living the Christian lifestyle. The pedophile is producing numbers. The loving and kind woman isn't. Now if that pedophile stopped producing, then he would be thrown out as well. But he won't because his whole world, and his prey, are that organization. The loving and kind Christian woman is thrown out, and while it hurts it is really a life saver.

    Looking at it from a certain point of view, it is clear where God is.

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