Dazed and Confused!

by be wise 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • be wise
    be wise

    I heard this recentley on Radio KTAR's "God Show" talking with J.R. Brown; Director of

    Public Relations with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society listened to at www.dirtclod.com .

    (Interviewer) Pat McMan: Is yours the only path to salvation?

    J.R. Brown: “Well, when you put it that way, you’re trying to say well, ‘are you

    saying that unless someone does exactly as you do and as you say as Jehovah’s

    Witnesses they won’t get life’, and our answer to that is no because God is the

    judge as to who gets life.

    Some persons live and die without an opportunity to hear what we are talking about.

    There are places we cannot even go and do evangelising work now. We feel we

    have a message of truth, if people listen to it, respond, that can put them on the way

    to life, if God judges them as such, but we are not the judges of others.

    When you look at Mathew chapter 25 Jesus made it very clear that he is the one

    who would divide the sheep from the goats. He said he is the one that would put

    the sheep on his favourable side, the right, the goats on his left. He makes the

    decision if anyone is worthy of destruction, not us. It’s not our responsibility

    to pass judgement.”

    Pat McMan: Can a woman be a faithful member of the Jehovah's

    Witnesses religion and choose not to be married, not to have a

    f amily but to be an attorney or a poet or a surgeon?

    J.R. Brown: “Yes, (yes) we have many in that category. Many of the women in our

    organisation are professionals in everyday life. We don’t prodabate those decisions

    for people. They can decide it. Where we come into the picture is what the bible says

    should exist in the congregational setting. That we have many women who have pursued

    careers, professions, ???????. There they may be the supervisor or whoever owns the

    company or the bosses, someone might say, but that’s not in the Congregational setting.”

    Straight from the horses mouth. It doesn’t make any sense to say if they taught what they

    taught. I think most JW's are just confused and that's why they feel the need to follow

    the organisations every word because of the consequences they believe in if they don't.

    What a millstone! Pitty they feel they have to justify the out right lies much like I did when I

    was 'in it'.

  • qwerty

    Be Wise.........Thanks for that !

    Just another fine example of JW's double speak. Teaching one thing from the platform and another thing to the media.


  • Gopher

    Watchtower spin-doctor J.R. Brown is SO slick. This stuff is unbelievable.

    "Is yours the only way to salvation?" His answer is basically "No, God is the judge."

    So then, why all this urgency surrounding their preaching work? Isn't it the way that people make known their inclination to accept or reject Jehovah's Kingdom message?

    If God judges hearts, then obviously there is no need for this preaching work, except for the fact that it is free labor of millions of men, women, and children that greases the wheels of the Watchtower corporation!! They will continue to build their publishing corporation on the backs of their unpaid laborers. Disgusting.

    "Can a JW woman be single and be a poet, surgeon or attorney?" Brown's answer: "Yes".

    But can these same women, who obviously are intelligent, goal-oriented and successful, serve as shepherds in the congregation? Um, duh --- No, obviously our God says they aren't good enough for that. They must keep their proper place in the congregation.

    And so it goes in the JW organization, where underappreciation and exploitation of its members is the rule rather than the exception.

  • blondie

    The question should have been:

    Do you have to be a baptized member of Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing to survive the coming destruction of the wicked Jehovah's Witnesses call the great tribulation?

    JR Brown uses a technique of changing the question to the one he wants to answer, not the one that was asked.

  • Carmel

    Brown's dodge of the question is classic. He focuses on the fact that the witnesses supposedly do not judge, only Jesus. Yet their real criteria for belief is that only those that accept the organization are "worthy". So it would seem that judging in the form of shunning, etc. is a direct commandment from Jesus executed by the "brothers".


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