has any one ever heard of some one df'ed and dying and still thair relitives wont see or talk to them.I was just thinking about my wife who is a good person, does not drink run around. just does not go to the meetings. and her parents wont see her. but will flock to the ones at the hall, lately its been kelly kunde of vanverbiult who just lost a breast due to cancer. It jumped from one to the other.she is on limited time. but I thought what if it was my wife thair daughter. even though she is not dfed. thay do not talk to her. you know bad association. so what if it was her. would they see and talk to her. this shunning thing is such a bunch of mind jello. and the dumb asses cant see the forest through the trees. I just wondered if any one ever observed a parent or parents still shuning thair child when the child was on the death bed? It would be dispicable but would not suprise me.
dfed and dying
by kilroy2 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
i have not had any expierence with them not seeing someone dying but my grandfather wouldn't let my d'fed aunt over to come see her dying mother. but he is a heartless person after my grandmother died he remarried a woman 20 years younger only 2 mos after knowing her and 8 mos after my grandmother died so go figure it isn't like the org turns out the most upstanding of people.
Yes! It happens all the time. There have been many people on this board whom had loved ones pass away, and half the family still wouldn't talk to them. It's just another pharisee rule of the WT organization.
this shunning thing is such a bunch of mind jello. and the dumb asses cant see the forest through the trees.
You are so right. This shunning thing HELPS the organization keep control, but it hurts the people involved at the grass roots level because it is SO damn dehumanizing and unnatural! When you are forced by an organization to act in an unnatural way (like enforced shunning) how can you overcome that and act "loving" at other times? No -- they sit there in their congregations and judge each other, nitpicking each other to death. Like James wrote "look out that you do not go biting and devouring one another". That's exactly what happens, and the WT Society seems not to care as long as its corporation keeps rolling along.
it isn't like the org turns out the most upstanding of people.
That remark is so true. Who are these JW's to think they're so much better than the rest of humanity, that they can set themselves on some pedestal and not talk to anyone who refuses to go along with the program?
BTW Susie -- welcome to the board. Tell us about yourself sometime.