Earth viewed from Mars

by RAYZORBLADE 8 Replies latest social current


    Hey, just in case you are interested in something less controversial, check out this link to National Geographic's website:

    It shows a couple of images from the planet Mars, looking back at Earth and our moon.

    If you have viewed it via the link, what do you think of the image and space exploration for that matter? I'd love to read your thoughts.

    Many thanks in advance.

  • ScoobySnax

    Rayzor......thanks for posting this. Its amazing to see just how small the Earth really is viewed from this perspective. I was always fascinated by astronomy. I'ts always fascinated me. Well that and along with anything dinosaur related!!. Thanks again Rayz.

  • shamus

    I don't believe in space travel b/c it seems demonized to me. I am going to study my WT now...

  • Satanus

    That's a long ways to be from home. The first people on mars will have to be something special.


  • gitasatsangha

    excellent pictures from MGS, the little spacecraft that could. I am looking forward to seeing images from the mars rovers later this year as well.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Thanks for posting this Rayzor! I saw this earlier on and it's fantastic to me to see a little ball of blue in a sea of black. It gives a different perspective on how small we are in this universe.

  • Abaddon

    You are all fools.

    These are virtual photographs created to fool you into thinking that the Earth is not the centre of God's creation. The vile lie of heliocentricosity is God dishonouring, and is a sure sign of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, rejecting the accurate scienticfic information in the Bible so a Godless universe without moral codes may be created in the imaginations of those desirous of pursuing sin.

  • drwtsn32

    I agree with Abaddon.... in this supposed "picture" of Earth, I don't see its four corners.

    And the moon landing was faked.

    San Dimas High School Footbal rules!

  • Realist

    i can just recommend the following site to everyone interested in astronomy!

    nasa has a great archive of pictures.

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