pre historic man..

by zeb 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zeb

    A poster had a line about early man before humans..

    I recall a doco sorry cant remember details where Neanderthal graves were found in Spain. These graves had been laid down with artefacts' and care by the way the deceased were positioned. Now the finders took material and from the graves and come up with dna. This revealed it was not home sapiens!

  • scratchme1010

    How interesting.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    These graves had been laid down with artefacts' and care by the way the deceased were positioned - aka 'ritualistic burials'.

    Now the finders took material and from the graves and come up with dna. This revealed it was not home sapiens! - interesting ...

    I can't find the links at the moment but some scientists believe early species of human (not H. sapiens) made use of fire, cooked vegetables and meat, and hunted large animals like mammoths in groups using spears.

  • Crazyguy

    I think maybe your taking about Heidelberg man is what thier called.

  • cofty

    Homo neanderthal cared for their aged and their sick and buried their dead with ritual.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Homo neanderthal cared for their aged - yes, I've seen apparent photographic evidence of this.

    I saw a photo of an H. neanderthalensis skull of an elderly individual. The teeth had been reabsorbed back into the jaws, as apparently happens with the elderly.

    It was suggested that for that individual to survive for so long, he would have been cared for and fed.

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