Re the chairs for 1000s video if the watchtower thought the end of the world was so close why did they have people spend 1000s of hours messing with chairs when they could have been doing field service?????
Dont worry folk the watchtower dont think the end of the world will be any time soon
by pepperheart 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Dont worry folk the watchtower dont think the end of the world will be any time soon
Thanks. I never did.
They even have an answer to that charge. They say they dont know exactly when God will intervene, so they just carry on as normal.
James Mixon
Elder ask the congregation what would you do if you knew you only had 4 weeks of life remaining before your death and then end of the world?? A pioneer raised his hand and said"I would minster every waking hour, go without food in order to save as many as possible. Very good said the elder and all agreed. Sister enthusiastically spoke, "I would stand in front of all the churches in my area and dedicate all my remaining time in greater conviction, you have been mislead". That's wonderful said the elder. Brother elderly (80 years old) raised his hand,"I would set my cart up in front of the busiest location in our city and set there all day". Elder said good idea, but tell us why. Brother said, it would be so boring, it would be the longest 4 weeks of my life...