144,000 and women

by cosmo 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • cosmo

    I've asked my wife (a JW) a couple questions about this believe about the 144,000 and women being in that annointed group and she can't answer them. What do you guys think about these questions?

    Question #1. Where does it say that women will be in the 144,000 or is it assumed?

    Question #2. If it does say women are in that group, why can't they teach from the podium?

    Question #3. If that makes them annointed, why aren't they in the Governing Body?

    Any replies will be greatly appreciated.

  • happyout

    No answers, but great questions! I do know that there are sisters who are "of the annointed", so why can't they teach? Sorry I can't help you, but thanks for the new slant on that.


  • blondie

    All Christians in the first century were anointed. (I can give you scriptures if you want)

    Some Christians in the first century were women. (and had gifts of the holy spirit, such as Philip's daughters who prophesied)

    Thus, some of the anointed were women.

    But while on earth, the earthly restrictions apply about a woman teaching a man. When the male and female anointed die and are resurrected to live in heaven, they will no longer have sexual characteristics or gender. They will be neuter just as the angels are. Gender is only assigned to God, Jesus, and the angels when they exercise authority.

    At least that is how I understood it as a JW.

    Cosmo, how many years has your wife been a JW? I'm surprised she doesn't know this or at least how to look it up in the WT publications.


  • Nosferatu
    When the male and female anointed die and are resurrected to live in heaven, they will no longer have sexual characteristics or gender. They will be neuter just as the angels are.

    This doesn't work. It's faded incredibly from my mind, but what about that bible story where the angels come down, have sex with humans, and they give birth to those giants?

  • blondie

    Nosf, according to JW lore, the angels took on human bodies in order to be visible to humans and to be able to have sex with women, choosing to be men since they were the ones in charge. If angels had sexual parts, then they would have been using them in heaven and not needing to come down to earth, to my thinking.


  • BeelzeDub

    :Where does it say that women will be in the 144,000 or is it assumed?

    Actually it does not say, however it can be reasoned that they should not.

    JWs use Revelation 14:3 to prove that the 144,000 is a literal number of people. However the very next verse says: "These are the ones that did not defile themeselves with women; in fact, they are virgins."

    This would imply that only men would make up the 144,000. That is unless it is refering to lesbians. Even worse it states they are virgins and the Watchtower completly ignores this fact while at the same time claiming that the 144,000 is a literal number.

    Why can't they teach or sit on the GB? Because it's a good ol' boy network. Women NOT allowed.

  • gitasatsangha

    and why did only the angel's sons show up as giants. I mean, if I am some powerful gender-non-specific spirit and I want a little nookie, I might just give myself a set of nephelim gonads rather then standard human equipment.

    Well, them being multidimensional ages old horny spirits that they are, I guess they knew/know more about these things then me.

  • mouthy

    A Brother told me he thought there would be no women in heaven as the bible say there was silence in heaven for a half an hour -----bloody nerve

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