You are going to scare away possible new recruites to the dark must say "Agape, Brother/Sister" at the end of your threads.
Welcoming a newbie with a simple Hello won't do. The Agape needs to fly!!
by teenyuck 7 Replies latest jw friends
You are going to scare away possible new recruites to the dark must say "Agape, Brother/Sister" at the end of your threads.
Welcoming a newbie with a simple Hello won't do. The Agape needs to fly!!
Ok, but may I timidly point out that you didn't end YOUR message with Agape, Sister Teenyuck?
Sister Happyout (still obedient when given orders)
Philia is thought more personal by many JWs. There was a man/brother than posted on WOL and JWZone that always ended his posts:
Warmest Philia to all my friends & Agape to others.
I always thought that was unkind; but it illustrates that he thought agape love was inferior to philia. But since the love God shows is agape, I would think JWs would think just the opposite.
So if you get a card signed agape, you are low on the friendship rank.
Agape love.... Agape..... Bla.
I concur, Shamus.
Sound pornograhic to me
Actually, myself, you have used a derivative of it, probably.
City of Brotherly Love (philia)
I guess you could find pornography in Philadelphia, may William Penn roll over in his Quaker grave.
Warmest Philia to all my friends & Agape to othersIt does sound dirty.... After reading AXEL's thread, where he finally asks how many are still JWs I had to include this....I think he was looking for the Agape's and Philia's.... Darn Yellow....cannot turn it off.