I posted in another thread some info I found on a web site that discusses cults. There is so much good information on this site I thought I'd start a separate topic.
On the page http://www.rickross.com/reference/general/general431.html it discusses some of the "characteristics of thought reform" that cults use. I think the JW's are guilty of all of them! ("Thought reform" is simply a nice way to say "brainwashing"!)
Watson, thanks for that link...excellent info. The titles are not fully self-explanatory, but they give a good picture of the techniques:
Milieu Control
Mystical Manipulation
Demand for Purity
Cult of Confession
Sacred Science
Loaded Language
Doctrine over Person
Dispensing of Existence
And you're right; every one of these is used by the WTS. I appreciate that the authors point out that very many other groups (even car salesmen who woulda thought?) use the same techniques.
The "loaded language" one really stood out when I was looking through it. The JWs have their own vocabulary and yes, it does make them feel special.
I don't remember if it was specifically mentioned on this site or not, but a lot of cults refer to their beliefs as "the truth." It's all part of the subtle mental conditioning.