update on old jw friend

by zanex 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • zanex

    well as per my email a few weeks ago I met with a jw that is currently attempting to leave the org..it was quite an interesting meeting actually...he is just at the beginning of his departure of leaving the jw's so quite a few of his mannerisms were reminiscint of my own attitudes and perceptions. It was a good meeting and we will be keeping in touch..its funny..I was straight up with him and told him that I had been having apprehensions about meeting with him and he asked if I trusted him and I was honest I told him no, that just because he and I were once jw's didnt mean that any measure of that trust carried over when I left the org. I had to explain that to him...it wasnt anything personal but he is still technically a jw..he is still baptized and has not been df'd or da'd...for me that presented a very real issue. He seemed naive and almost innocent on some level that I recall having been at. That instant "trust" that jw's are supposed to have for other jw's is something that I think he still has. It will fade in time I am sure of that. We had a good conversation though and agreed to keep in contact..I let him know that I did not want any jw involvement from any angle so to please keep my name from entering into conversation when talking to active jw's. I felt wierd...had never used all that anger and pain from those years as a jw to help someone else leave...he had already taken the first step but he thanked me for being suppportive and honest in my cynical manner. At any rate..I gave him the www to this site and he said he would check it out. I didnt get the name that he was going to use though...lol anyway thats my update!


  • DanTheMan

    That's cool, sounds like your friend has entered into some "independent thinking" territory - good for him!

    Be gentle now - it's easy to forget what an emotional upheaval it is to leave the org, once you've been out a while. I wish I had had a friend like you when I was leaving, somebody who had left before me who I had known while I was in.

  • zanex

    I wish I would have had someone when I was leaving to show me the way or to give me some type of starting point to go from...I find it ironic that I am helping someone else leave...funny though..i never actively thought that I would have any type of impact upon ANY of those still within the clutches of the jw grip...good feeling...I am just going to try and keep it honest with him...I still have trust issues of my own when it comes to anyone still baptized, maybe this will be theraputic for me as well...hmmm never know about much of anything I suppose til ya actually go through it...


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