??'s for Europeans

by IronGland 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • IronGland

    Is it a dream to someday visit the USA? I know for myself and many Americans, going to Europe is on the list of things to do before death. If so, what things are you most intested in seeing. For Americans first visit to Europe, the itinery seems to be London, Paris, Rome unless a person has lots of time and money. For Europeans taking say, a two week trip to the states, what would be on your list?

    Also, to our citizens in the American Imperial Outpost aka The U.K, if there was ever a referendum to join the Union and finally officially become the 51st state, how many British do you think would vote yes?

  • Realist

    new york is by far the #1. followed by maybe LA and san francisco.

  • Gadget

    I'd avoid the big cities, I like open spaces. I'd have to start at the space centre in florida, preferably catching a shuttle launch. Then I'd go to the west coast and tour on a motorbike. I'd love to see the lava stacks in the desert too. I'd much rather be the 51st state then part of a federal europe. The european rulers don't seem to like Britain that much...

  • IronGland

    Hmm, yeah I guess Florida is still technically considered part of the U.S. It's better the farther North you go. Proximity to the fine state of Georgia has a moderating influence on some of Florida's more garish tendencies.

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