There are the meetings, field service, personal study time, etc.
But, there was much time spent getting ready, getting dressed for the meetings, driving time, getting undressed out of those horrible meeting clothes, the time spent socializing before and after, coffee breaks during service. When you add it all up, isn't in kind of scary when you realize how much time you would be spending if you were a good little witness?
Think about it: per week
5 hours of meetings. 5 hours
Getting dressed, driving, socializing before and after the meetings : 6 hours
Personal and family study time : 2 hours
Study the Watchtower study the night before : 1 long hour
(Does the actual Watchtower study count for 8 hours? or is that just me?)
Field service : 3 hours
Getting ready for service, going to and from, yearbook article before, coffee break : 3 hours
I get 18 hours a week. And that doesn't include overtime!!
How much time did you actually spend?
For me, as an adult, I did not make all the meetings, rarely out in service, never studied, so I saved a lot of time actually. But those meetings were just so damn incovienent.
As a kid growing up in a witness home, those above hours were close. And then my parents would go shopping or something after the meetings, so even more time was wasted before I could get home and play.