Hi does anyone know why I can't download any pdf's off avoidjw.org? I've tried lots of them and it keeps saying download unsuccessful
by Freedom rocks 8 Replies latest jw friends
I have copies of everything avoidjw has on his site. Many of the materials he has came from us anyway.
Let me know what you need and I will try and get you a download link. He might be doing some work on his site and maybe that is why you are getting those messages.
The problem could also be on your end. Not sure, but no worries, we will get you what you need one way or the other.
Send me a pm and I'll give you our email address and we will get the show on the road.
I can't check that whether the links work on the device I am currently on but I know that the WT really mess with that guy all the time. It's up one minute and every now and again it is 404'ed for legal reasons. Fortunately when it does happen, it returns pretty quickly.
@Atlantis: You too eh? I download EVERYTHING related to WT on almost all my exjdub sites i visit, even web articles. I sense that the GB could one day (try) to serve the author a S&D order for. Even if that happen, well, too bad and too late. Hey, you never know.
I couldn't have said it better myself. I record everything while I can and if I don't need something later on I can always delete it.
Coffee? Danish? Bushmills? What will you have my friend? Lager?
This may explain it. The AvoidJW.org website is under enemy fire.
I’m not sure why you couldn’t download. Sometimes during busy periods the server can be overloaded. It means while one person may be able to download another may not. I’ve reset the server as a precautionary measure.
It may be the case your phone has run out of storage space?
Freedom rocks
Thanks Atlantis will get back to you tonight with what I was trying to download
I would try again just to see if conditions are better. I had an anti-virus on my computer once that made it difficult to download anything. Tom told me I really didn't need that program anyway, so I deleted it and all went smooth after that.