It is well known that the Watchtower cult society keeps records on everyone, even those who have died, or have been excommunicated, or those who have broke association due to personal reasons. Such records may disturb many as they feel they are being judged by what is on their files and record cards, which has information of how many hours per month they put in preaching and cult recruiting, from house to house. Well you are absolutely right! It is well known that the excuse for this is to be able to make up their "yearly world wide report book" If this was the case then these reports should be handed in anonymously! To prove that the watchtower cult does in fact keep records on it's members over many years, look at the quote from a letter reference and dated from the Watchtower cult HQ called "Bethel" at Mill Hill, North London. "SH June 19th 1995" In a dispute about their continuous reference to my track record as I had raised many points and written to the watchtower cult HQ i'e "Bethel" many times, they say to quote: "We have checked all our letters on file, which has resulted from your numerous letters over the years" This would also include any letters sent by cult elders, or the Watchtower HQ of correspondents from those in rank wanting information resulting in any investigation about you. This also goes for any wrong doing a person may have done. The fact that the Bible says: "Do not keep account of the injury" a text the Watchtower cult will quote often so that you will not keep account of errors they may have been guilty of, the watchtower cult society feel fully justified in keeping records of every personal detail about its members. I therefore wrote the following letter to request this information be removed and destroyed . . . due to my rights under the Data protection Act 1998 UK You may use this information to send to the Watchtower cult HQ in your area or local congregations You can also read the watchtowers reply that follows below and the new Data Protection Act 1998/9 also below. Click here to Print form below Remove My Records PERSONAL RIGHTS UNDER THE DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998/9 UK Name:____________________________________ Address: __________________________________ Attention: WTBS Bethel. ______________________ Congregation elders __________________________ Ref: Data Protection Act 1998/9 Date_________19_______ Dear sir I/We are writing this letter to you after long in-depth investigation into the procedures and polices of the Watchtower society and the teachings that after great research has proved to be in serious error according to the bible and that the society is both underhanded and deceptive in its dealings with individual members and in its presentation of facts to the public on many issues which is totally unscriptural, unchristian, not based on the bible and ethically wrong. I/We therefore as (well as my wife/Husband) have disassociated ourselves from the Legal body known as Jehovah witnesses, and no longer wish to be known as Jehovah Witnesses. ________________________congregation/Branch office has already been sent a copy of this letter. This leads us on to my next serious request and insistence. As from 1998/9 the Data Protection Act has been enforced for the benefit of all individuals (not just the WBTS). Failure to allow individuals this right is a criminal offence and one that can be enforced under law. I/We therefore now request that your policy to keep files on members whether they be active members, dis-associated or disfellowshipped or excommunicated and at both Watchtower/ HQ and any branch of the watchtower society and congregation level now be removed and destroyed. I/We request that all files, data, congregation record cards where my/our name (or that of my wife/husband) is mentioned, referred to, cited and spoken, written or labelled, tagged, be destroyed, be it in the form of electronic format or sources, disk, cassettes, video, phone vetting tapes, microfilm, micro dot, codes, cards, forms, papers letters, reports, or in any way shape or form, including storage in premises not of the WBTS , private homes, buildings, offices, safes, lock ups, and security boxes, vaults of any kind, kingdom hall safes, computer systems or even in transit of representatives of the WBTS laptop computers and other storage facilities, files etc and that any such record card in congregation files be it in any shape or form also be removed and destroyed I/We request written confirmation that such action has been undertaken and all files with reference to my name and (that of my wife) has been destroyed due to my right under the Data Protection Act 1998/9. Failure to do this , or... give confirmation to my/our request will result in my/our putting this in the hands of the data protection agencies to enforce with respect to my/our rights as a citizen of ________________under parliament/government. This also includes my/our right to deny you submitting records abroad to branch offices in any other country and the HQ at Brooklyn New York USA with out my/our consent and knowledge. I/We am stating firmly this day_________________ that if such a request is clearly denied and if this has been already undertaken that such transferring of records, files, by use of the Internet, emails, faxes, also to and from congregations and any such correspondents, in any other shape or form be ALSO destroyed etc. If at any time such material should surface and it come to light that files, documents have been kept for what ever reason, this will be taken as a breach of the Data Protection Act of 1998/9 and the Agency informed accordingly. I/We (myself / Wife / husband) have never signed any such agreement neither do I/we intend to, be it, to allow the WBTS to keep files, documents, data and personal information in any way shape or form. (Neither did I/we ever make vowels and get baptised into any man made organisation to be bound by any law systems, policies and rules to keep records and data. I/we dedicated to God through Christ and the spirit, to these alone, before you changed the Vowels against scripture and over stepped Christ command! I/We Therefore submit my/our request and await confirmation in writing that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, also known as the International Bible student association, and any other legal and non legal, term, tool, or named agency of the WBTS Honour this request in writing and forward this to us in due course, 1/ WBTS of Country:_______________________________ 2/ Local Body of elders of ________________________Congregation This letter has been submitted to both of the above. Thank you Mr__________________________________________ Mrs/Miss/Ms __________________________________ Below - The watchtowers (UK) reply sent Feb 9th 1999 Word for word quote: Ref: LEB:LSA February 9th 1999 This is in responce to your letter of Feb 1, 1999. You demand, pursuant to the data Protection Act 1998, that this society destroys all data that has reference to you and your wife. Our legal department informs us that the Data Protection Act 1998 is not operational until later on this year. Further we will benefit from the transitional provision in the Act until October 2001, with the result that the relevant sections will not apply until that date. During this three-year period we intend to dispose of various files including any that might relate to you and your wife. For the ovidence of doubt we do not have any data concerning you pursuant to the earlier Data Protection Act 1984. If you wish clarification of the issues raised we suggest you seek independent professional advice. Your Sincerely Watchtower Bible and Tract Society As stated above, again they have records . . . from 1984. at least 10 years of them! Below is the new data protection Act for 1998/9 Click here to print out the "Data Protection Act" below. Forthcoming legislation page 14b reissued January 1999 Data Protection Act 1998 Extent: England, Wales, Scotland and N Ireland Royal Assent 16.7.98 46c This Act implements European Directive 95/45/EC on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, and extends the scope of the protection Act 1984 46f The Act only applies to personal data related to living individuals and will include some manual records and filing systems which were previously excluded from regulation. Processing will include both use and the disclosure of data, with disclosure meaning any method of making the data available. 46g The definition of "data user" is replaced by "data controller". All data controllers will have to notify the data protection commissioner (currently known as the register) of basic details about the personal information they hold about a "data subject". The requirements for registration are retained, but with modifications. For example the registration system will not apply to personal data held only on manual filing systems. All data controllers, however, will have to comply with the data protection rules, whether they are registered or not. Date it should come into force: early1999 46h Personal data will have to be obtained from authorised sources, or from the data subjects themselves. In both situations, the data subject will have to be notified of the identity of the data controller, the purpose of processing and any other information necessary to enable the processing to be fair. The data subject will have the right to prevent processing which is likely to cause damage or distress, unless for example, s/he has already given her/his consent. The Act will also give data subjects a greater ability to bring court proceedings where data controllers breach their statutory duties. Date it should come into force: early1999 46i Special rules will apply to the processing of sensitive personal data, for example racial or ethnic origin, political, religious beliefs, trade union membership, health, offences and convictions. The Act also tries to ensure that personal data transferred to non - EEA countries will be adequately protected. Date it should come into force: early1999
Form requesting JW's to remove your records from their files & privacy act!
by FreeofGuilt 1 Replies latest jw friends
Bear in mind in the UK you will also need to send a chq for £10. This is the legal max a body can charge for supplying data.