Radio program in Australia....

by caligirl 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • caligirl

    I received an email from Diane Wilson on an interview to be aired this week, and I wanted to pass the info along for anyone that might be interested in listening in!

    David Rutledge, producer of "The Religion Report" at ABC Radio National in Sydney, Australia, just confirmed that our interview on Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape From the Watchtower Society, will be aired June 4 at 8:30 am Australia date/time on ABC Radio National (so it would be June 3 for us in the US).

    Also, he says there'll be a transcript of the program, along with a Real Audio link for online listening, available from Wednesday evening (U.S. time) on their website at

  • Stephanus

    8:30am is a little difficult. I have to get the boys to school - I may have to take them a little early.

    Ozzie, is this anyone we know?

  • Prisca
  • freedom96

    Diane has been doing quite a few radio shows lately, and has been getting great responses from those that put on the programs, and have been quite informative for those who are not aware of what the WTS teaches.

    There have been a few threads on this board about her and her book, both good and bad. Some think she exaggerated a bit, others criticize her for wanting to sell her book. Everyone out there is certainly entitled to their opinion.

    For those that don't know Diane personally, she did not write her book to make a bunch of money. It first was theraputic for herself to write it, and then she decided it might help others out there. Some are so quick to decide that she is just out to make a buck, when they don't know the facts.

    Many people have enjoyed her book, as it well documents what so many of us went through while a witness. She gets e-mails every day thanking her for making all this known to the public.

    There have been a few posts lately on what should we as ex-witnesses do to get the word out about the evils of the WTS. Well most of us do nothing, and she is. Good for her to do that.

    If more of us would do things to make this wicked religion known like she does, maybe we will have a chance to bring the WTS down.

    My hat is off to her and all others that will take time out of their lives to be pro-active in letting the world know what is really going on behind closed doors at bethel and the individual halls.

  • caligirl

    I just listened to the interview, and thought it was great - it is the last 1/2 of the program, and the transcript is on the site as well. You'll need real player to listen to it.

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