has the WT ever state how manny people they think died in the flood?
The flood?
by l3gi0n 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
All, but 8
Applying the standard average population growth ratio figures for a window of reproduction applied to an average modern life-span ( remember the Bible insists that pre-diluvians lived for hundreds of years, so their reproductive window would have been much greater ) for the nineteen generations purported to have existed before the flood, you are talking close to one billion persons alive.
What Bible fundamentalists have a lot more trouble estimating though, is whether a world-wide flood actually occurred!
Best regards - HS
A worldwide flood is a fairly slim possibility, in my opinion. I always figure that to the inhabitants of earth 1000's of years ago, the immediate area was the whole earth to them. A regional flood of epic proportions is certainly possible and (I think) actually proven by some scientists. I also have often wondered of those who talk about a "worldwide flood" if they take into consideration that those alive in those days thought the earth was flat, too? People on some remote islands thought the "whole world" consisted of their island and little else.
An earth that was flat and probably thought to be about the size of Isreal and little more is really no big deal in today's scope...
My opinion,